Chapter 12 My Story

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"I met your father my freshmen year of high school. He was a senior and one of the school's many 'bad boys'. He was tall, dark and handsome. He was mostly white, but with some Native American blood. He had long dark hair and big brown eyes. He drove a motor cycle and wore black skinny jeans with leather jackets."

"Wow Mom, totally a 'bad boy' hahaha." I laughed.

She smiled and continued,

"I had a major crush on him, but being so much younger than him, nothing ever happened."

She closed her eyes again and took a deep breath before continuing.

"When I was 17 and just starting my senior year I got invited to a party. I was walking down a set of stairs when I slipped in some beer that someone had spilled. I started tumbling downward, when he grabbed me around the waist and saved me.

Once he had me on my feet, he turned me around to face him. He pushed the hair out of my eyes and my heart began to beat like crazy. I realized right then, that I had never quite gotten over my school girl crush.

'Hey, do I know you from somewhere? You look familiar.' He asked me."

"He recognized you even though you were three school years apart?" I inquired.

"Yes, he remembered me." She said with a sad smile on her face. She continued with the story,

"I told him how we had gone to high school together, and had even had an art class together.

We started talking about our lives and what had happened the last couple years.

Eventually, he asked if he could drive me home. I had never ridden on a motor cycle before so I was nervous, but also a little excited! I got on his bike, and I wrapped my arms tightly around him and he drove me home.

When we got to my house, he walked me up to the front door. He then asked me if he could take me out on a date sometime. I, of course, said yes. He then kissed me. He was my very first kiss and the only guy, I've ever kissed in my entire life."

"Awww Mom! My daddy was your first kiss?!" I smirked because I never knew how cute my parents love story actually had been!

I wonder what happened that made it all go wrong? Oh that's right.....I HAPPENED.

"We started seriously dating after that night. When my parents found out, they were furious! They demanded that we break up, saying he was no good for me and he would ruin my entire life. I didn't listen.

My friends even tried talking me out of it, saying a 21 year old was no good for a 17 year old. But I was in love with him and nothing was going to change that. Or so I thought.

As we became more serious, we started making plans for after I graduated. He talked about marriage, and traveling the world together. He even had my name tattooed on his arm."

"Awww Mom, he really liked you, didn't he?" I sighed, knowing what was coming.

"Then one night, we went to a party and he gave me too much to drink. The next morning I woke up in a bed, next to him. I was terrified so I quickly fled the house, and used a pay phone to call my parents to come pick me up.

I avoided him for a few days, until he finally got a hold of me. He told me not to worry that everything was still fine between us. He said we were just drunk and had made a simple mistake. He said it was no big deal, but it wouldn't happen again if I didn't want it to. So we kept dating and everything was fine again.

Then after several weeks, I was shocked to discover that I was pregnant.

I told him, and he became so angry. He yelled at me saying kids weren't suppose to be apart of our plan until many years down the road. He told me I had only two choices. I could either abort the baby, and we'd still get married like we planed, or I could keep the child and lose him forever.

I didn't know what to do, so I decided to go to my parents. That was a big, BIG mistake.

When my parents found out, they were furious. In fact, they immediately went and claimed charges of 'rape to an innocent minor.'

Shortly after being reported, the police arrested him and he was given his court date. My parents asked me to testify against him, but I decided to go against my parents and claim him not guilty.

My parents, then tried to force me to abort my baby. But my mind was made up. I decided I was going to raise this baby all on my own.

They took me to court, trying to make it legal to force me to get an abortion.

I only was able to win one of the court cases.....I won the court case for your life, but your father...."

"It's ok Mom. Just say it, get it off your chest. You don't have any reason to feel guilt." I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.

"....they locked him away for a 20 year sentence....To this day I still don't know whether it was rape or not, but I think he truly loved me. See, having grown up in a small town with rich parents, my parents were friends with all the lawyers and the judge and your father just honestly did not stand a chance in court. Well at least not a fair one, I realize that now.

As time went by though and my pregnancy progressed, I began to hate him for everything he did to me. Unable to communicate with him, I would take all my frustrations out on my family and friends. I ended up being alone on my 18th birthday simply because nobody wanted to be around me, the angry pregnant girl.

Once I graduated high school, my family officially disowned me and kicked me out of the house.

I then used my college money to move here, and buy myself a small town house.

Shortly after arriving, I began attending a Christian church. There, I met a kind, older woman of the community who helped me out...."

"Grandma Jamie!" I gasped realizing the elderly lady who I had ' adopted' for my grandma was the only person who had helped my mom when she first moved here.

"Yes Grandma Jamie." My mom smiled.

"She helped me in so many ways. She threw a baby shower for you, and helped me find cheap furniture for my house.

When the day came for you to be born, she drove me to the hospital. She then, was there by my side every step of the way, and became like a mother to me....She is also the one who lead me to Christ and changed me forever."

"And there you go Taylor. That's the COMPETE STORY, of how I came to have the most precious gift in the" She then grabbed me and held me close and we both cried softly on each others shoulders.

"I love you so much Mommy." I cried as I hugged her close.

"I love you my sweet, sweet Taylor....So what's wrong baby girl?" She asked holding me back, so she could look me straight in the eyes.

"Mom.......I'm pregnant"

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