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I had just witnessed her fact it had just ended...people were beginning to stand go on with their lives....but some of us here, would never move me....she was my best was I ever suppose to move on?

I pushed my thoughts aside and forced myself to stay composed. I needed to be strong...strong for those who couldn't be strong on their own....I could save my tears for the privacy of my own home...where it's just me and my husband...

Speaking of my husband I noticed he was staring at me...he knew exactly what my thoughts were....Just like he always does.

He took my hand in his and slowly we stood up and headed outside the church.

Outside we saw the twins, their kids, and their grandkids, all standing together, in a sort of huddle, mourning their loved one. I shuffled my 80 year old feet over to them, and pulled the twins into a deep embrace.

"She was my best friend..." I whispered to them, "the only true friend I ever had in this world..."

Pulling away, I reached into my purse and pulled out an old flower journal.

"Your mom wanted me to give this to you two. She gave it to me the day---Well, anyways she said it was time someone knew the truth about her life."

They nodded and managed to say a "thank you" through their quiet sobs.

I simply nodded in relpy, before turning away to hide the tears that threatened to spill at any given second. Luckily the twins, being consumed by their own grief, didn't notice my moment of weakness, but my observant husband did.

Being the kind of man he is though, he quietly led me away from the scene and directed me towards our car.

Late that night as I lay in bed I thought about the twins. I wondered if they had read part of the journal already. Or maybe even the whole thing. I wondered if their opinion of me as a person had changed yet? I silently hoped to myself that it hadn't and that they had been able to separate the past me from the present me.

I quietly pulled out my nightstand drawer and removed my own copy of the journal. I closed my eyes and let the tears stream as I thought back to what she had said when she gave it to me....

"Kimmy I don't give this to you so that you may feel regret and remorse. The past is the past and our time here is so little and few... I give this to you so that you can understand you can see my life as a whole...I've written basically my whole life in here....maybe one day it'll even be published as a book....a book...yes I'd like that very much.... Now Kimmy I must see my children one last time before I die...give them the other copy to read after I'm gone....ok? I love you my dear Kimmy....Never forget that you Are forgiven. Goodbye best friend."

I open my eyes and look down at the papers in my hands. Slowly and quietly, in order to not wake up my husband, I sneak out of the bedroom and into the study. I turn on the lamp before curling up in the large window seat.

And then.....I begin to read the story...the life of my best friend. I push aside all my own thoughts and feelings and memories as I become...


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