Chapter 4: Shocked

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Star gaped at her, his eyes grew wide. Brackentail had asked Morningleaf to be his mate? How? When? Why had Star let Brackentail take Morningleaf? Seeming to read his thoughts, Morningleaf said, " I told him I needed time to give him my answer." A ray of hope shone in Star's mind. She hadn't said yes! Perhaps she was reserved for him after all! But what would happen if she did say yes? Suddenly Star realized how much he truely did love Morningleaf. " I'll be right back. " He said quickly, before going to find Shadpebble. When he found her, he told her everything that had happened. She gaped at him as he told the story. " Did you know about that? " Star asked. " No! Well, we all knew at some point he would try, but I had no idea it would be today! " She said in a destressed tone. " I thought you would... " She trailed off. " I know, I know. You thought I would ask her. " He sighed. " Well, yes. " She answered. Star sighed once more. " I was. But don't tell her that. " She nodded. " I won't. " Star then trotted away, to be alone. He thought and thought, and came up with a plan to keep Brackentail away from Morningleaf. He then desided to go for a quick flight, to ease his mind. He saw Morningleaf flying towards him. Once she caught up, she said, " Hi, I haven't seen you all day. Are you alright? " " Yes, I'm alright. Have you given Brackentail your answer yet? " He asked. " No, not yet.. " She paused. Star again saw a glimpse of that small ray of hope. Morningleaf finally blurted out, " Can we stay at Crabwings Bay again tonight? Just the to of us? " Star's heart soared. " Of coarse we can! " Morningleaf's face lit up. " Great! Can we start flying there now? " " Sure! " Star and Morningleaf flew in comfortable silence, both lost in thought. When they were nearly there, Morningleaf spoke. " Star, do you want me and Brackentail to become mates? " Star was surprised by this question. What could he say? Seeming to read his thoughts, she said, " Tell me the truth. " Star sighed. He would have to tell her the truth. At last, he said, " No. I don't want you to become mates, not ever. " He had done it, he had told her the truth. Now how would she react?

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