Chapter 14: Questions and Answers

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Morningleaf woke up with a start. Where was she? Suddenly it all came back to her. She moaned. "Dewberry?" Dewberry rushed to her side. "Phew, you're okay!" Morningleaf nodded. "Can you please explain to me why when I came to find you I saw Bumblewind right next to you?" She asked. Dewberry shook her head. "I don't think I can help you there. Ask Bumblewind." Dewberry pointed with her wing at the stallion. He trotted over and stopped by Morningleaf's side. "Sorry for scaring you like that, let me explain." He took a small breath before continuing. "When I died I was sent to the gates of the Golden Meadow where I had to wait for two years. But God said that my life wasn't done on Anok, so he, yesterday as a matter of fact, sent me back and refreshed my old body." Morningleaf was stunned. "But... How is that possible?" Bumblewind nickered. "For God everything is possible Morningleaf!" "But how did you find us?" She asked in a puzzled tone. "Well first I followed all of your hoof prints from the Interior to Dawn Meadow, after that I kind of guessed from there where you would chose to migrate. Besides, it's a little hard to miss a herd of over 11,000 pegasi." He answered. Dewberry pricked her ears. "Was something else you wanted to say?" She asked Bumblewind. He nodded. "I'm starved." Morningleaf and Dewberry burst out laughing. "Typical Bumblewind." Dewberry said while Morningleaf continued to laugh hysterically. "So? That doesn't change that I'm starving!" He said defensively. Dewberry shook her head. Still laughing, she said "You're excused to go find something to eat." Bumblewind instantly started sniffing at the ground looking for sweet grass. After a while he found a patch and took a huge mouthful. Morningleaf suddenly remembered something and asked curiously "So Dewberry, do you still think that Bumblewind is the best of us like you said the day he died or was that just your emotions getting the better of you?" Dewberry turned red then shook it off. "Don't you have better things to think about?" She snapped. Morningleaf shook her head. "No, not really." Bumblewind's head shot up. "That reminds me. Morningleaf can you give me a second so I can talk to Dewberry?" Morningleaf nodded and trotted away feeling even more curious than ever. Mean while Dewberry froze. "What did you wanna say? I'm sure you could've said it in front of Morningleaf." Bumblewind looked at her. "No I couldn't have. Not unless you want your head to look so red that it looked similar to a tomato." He nickered. "I don't know, I might turn into a tomato anyway and if I do you're gonna pay!" She said. Bumblewind nickered. "Dewberry,"

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