Chapter 12: Surprise

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Star smiled. "Dewberry, meet Morningstar!" Dewberry gasped. "She's so cute!! I love her already!" Star then saw Spiderangel bounding after her sister, not wanting to be left out of any fun. The little filly tried to tackle her slightly older sister but used a bit to much force and landed in a heap on the ground. Morningstar nickered and trotted over to inspect Spiderangel who didn't seem to want to get up. Star nickered. "And this is Spiderangel." "Oh my goodness, she is equally adorable! I don't think she'll need any training from me, she's already got what it takes to be a battle mare or a sky herder!" Dewberry said enthusiastically. Star was proud, he was already getting compliments for his two little ones. He went over to Spiderangel. Star bent down by her head. "Are you tired already? Would you like to go back to your mama?" He whispered. He helped her up and lead her and Morningstar back to where Morningleaf was.
(Back to Morningleaf.)
Morningleaf woke to the sound of soft hoof-beats. She lifted her head to see Morningstar and Spiderangel playing not far away. She looked around and noticed it was sunrise. Morning already? Morningleaf thought to herself. Sweetroot started to pass her but stopped when she noticed that Morningleaf was awake. "Good morning! You've been out for a while." Sweetroot then yelled. "Star, she's awake!" Morningleaf jolted. "How long have I been asleep?" Morningleaf asked in astonishment. "A day and a half." replied Sweetroot. Morningleaf gaped. "A day and a half?!" Sweetroot nickered. "I guess you must have been really tired!" Morningleaf nodded, still in shock. She never slept that long. Suddenly she saw Star galloping towards her. He haulted at her side. "Thank goodness! For a minute there I thought I was loosing you!" Star said with relief. Morningleaf nickered. "You can't get rid of me that easy!" Star nuzzled her. "I'm glad you're okey." Suddenly Morningstar and Spiderangel raced over, eager to catch up on their nursing. Morningleaf stood so they could nurse then turned back to Star. "Has anything important happened while I was gone?" Star thought for a moment. "Yes, but are you sure that you want to know?" He asked. "Yes I'm sure." said Morningleaf. "Well then," Star began taking a quick look around to make sure that Sweetroot was out of ear-shot. "Yellowstreek and Aspenbark have just indormed me that Brackentail has joined New Wind Herd and that just hours ago Riversun gave birth to his foal." Morningleaf gasped. "They're mates?" Star nodded. "Yes. Aparently when Brackentail joined Wind Herd he fell in love with Riversun so he asked her to be his mate and she excepted." Morningleaf couldn't believe it. She had thought for sure he had killed himself because he couldn't have her. "What is the foal's name?" She asked. "Blackleaf, it's a colt." Star explained. "I hope he won't be any trouble." Morningleaf said. "So do I," said Star. "So do I."

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