Will and janelle wedding

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I know this kind of oneshot he been made 100 times but I liked the idea

Kaycee was sitting alone at the wedding reception. Thahani was sitting next to her but talking to sone girl. If Sean had been there they would have talked and laughed the night away. But he wasn't. He was one of the groomsmen so he had to do all the important stuff and help Will. But the most painful part was he had to sit at the groomsmen table alone with the other men. So Kaycee just sat for herself looking at the newly wedded couple dancing, kissing and smiling.

Kaycee wanted that. More than anything else in her life. She wanted someone to be in love with her just as much as she was in love with him. She wanted to share passion with the person. She wanted to laugh with the person. She wanted to never get tired of the person.

But Kaycee was only 15 very soon 16. So it was to early for that. But it was to late. She had already fallen to hard for her best friend. Sean Lew. 

She knew. She was to young, and to dumb to even know about love. At least that's what everybody told her. But the way she felt about Sean was something she had never experienced before. He was talented, kind, handsome and he never failed to make her laugh.

Everybody wanted them to be together. Her family, his family, their friends, and all their fans had created #seaycee. But she knew it was to risky to tell him about her love for him. Their partnership and friendship down the drain. She couldn't risk that.

She was suddenly brought back to the world from her thoughts by a guy clearing his throat. She looked up and seeing Julian standing with josh (price) and Kenneth and each side of him.

"Well hello" she said and smiling her "Kaycee smile" as people called it. The smile that could light up a whole room. The smile that could make all your problems disappear as soon as you looked at it.

"Hi" the boys said in choir. They smiled. "Sooooo here's the thing" Julian started and Kaycee raised her eyebrows at him and slightly giggled. "Chloe is out of town and couldn't make it. So I'm asking if you wanted to dance with me and the boys" Julian said with a side smile on his lips.

You see, Julian had a girlfriend and they were very happy. Even though Julian was one of Sean's best friend had him and Kaycee came pretty close recently. Not dating or anything. But friends. He never failed to make her laugh at his stupid jokes and silly looks. But he was also a genius with his mind and the way the thought was amazing and every time she had took his classes she had been amazed by his mind.

She looked over at the two other boys. Josh, one of Sean other best friends. Kaycee had known Josh for a little longer than the other boys and josh was a big goof but he was also an incredible listener and he was one of the people she trusted most. And since her and Sean brings basically attached to the hip they had only grown closer.

And then Kenneth. Amazing boy and sweet. Ken was so sweet you could never imagine him hurting a single fly. But when he had the sassy choreography's he turned into a fuckboy but right after the cameras stopped he broke into a giant smile and turned as soft as butter. Kenneth and Kaycee grew closer when they in 2017 needed to do a duet for Boston with the wiggle crew. She had so much fun dancing with him since that.

"It's not like we are hitting on you. I have a girlfriend, josh has been eyeing some girls all night and wanted to make them jealous and Kenny boy here just wants to dance because he's bored" Julian continued and smiling at Kaycee. "Come onnnn" he said trying again and dragging out the n. "Sean is out doing some groomsmen type of shit" Julian tried again sticking out his hand for Kaycee to take. Kaycee thought about it for a second before talking Julians outstretched hand and letting him lead guide her out on the dance floor

When they came out on the dance floor they stood in the middle in a little circle swinging from side to side while singing their lungs off one of the newest pop songs that was playing on the loud speakers.

The boys and her laughed so much her stomach hurt. They continued to sing the lyrics for a long time where Kaycee completely forgot about Sean and his stupid but amazing dimples.

Suddenly a slow song came on and every pair in the building began taking their love of their lives into the dance floor. Kaycee and the boys looked around each other for a moment before bursting into laughter. "How in the world are we going to do this" said Ken still laughing looking around. There was again a moment of silence before josh while talking a step forward to Kaycee. "Kaycee rice would you like to dance to this slow song with all of us" said josh and took out his hand. She laughed looking at him and after at the two boys. "I know you are Sean's just please for fun"
He tried again. She got slight confused by the comment about Sean but didn't think more of it just decided to take joshs hand and they all got together in really small circle with their foreheads pressed together.

They swayed with their hips slowly to the beat of the slow song and sometimes there came some small laughing sessions and she threw her head back. She was so happy. Standing at her second parents wedding, with the best friends of the world, dancing. It couldn't get better

They danced for a long time just standing there and enjoying each other presents. They hoped this would never end.

Sean saw her. Looking radiant as she was singing along the lyrics to the song. He watched her for a long time across the room. There she stood. Goofing around with some of his best friends that she luckily got so comfortable with. He couldn't be happier.

Yes, he admitted that he was hopelessly in love with Kaycee. He was in love with every small part of her. She lighted up a room and would make everybody laugh.

She was also gorgeous. Even if it was when she jut got out of the shower from one of their late rehearsals where she was wearing shorts and a oversized hoodie. Or times like this this when she actually wore a dress that fit her perfectly. She was stunning. Completely stunning.

Sean heard the song switch to a slow song and they all four got together and smiled and laughed some more time.

He stood there smiling like an idiot hoping no one noticing him. But of course someone did. It was Julian. He looked at him before looking back to Kaycee and finally looked at Sean again a wild smirk on his face. Sean chuckled to himself before he caught Julian's eyes again. Julian lighty pushed Kenneth on the shoulder hoping Kaycee wouldn't notice. Ken looked at Julian. Following his eyes and saw Sean standing there. He got a smirk on his face to. Julian gave Sean a thumbs up like a sign of "I got it".

Sean really wanted to dance with Kaycee, because again he was hopelessly in love with her. We didn't get jealous when she saw the boys dancing with her because he knew they would never do something like that. He slowly made his way towards them.
Julian slowly got away from the dance and cleared his throat. They all stopped and looked at him. Still connected with there hands i each others waist. "Chloe's calling" he said looking extrreeemlllyyy much Ken who finally got the hint. "Thanks for the dance Kayc" he said before walking away. "Oooo, josh look at those girls over there" Ken said and pointed a finger over to some girls dancing. "They are hot" josh said back before they turned to Kaycee   "Thanks for the dance kaycee" they said before turning around and walked over to the girl. Kaycee signed and said "Wow now I'm alone aga-.../"

"May I have this dance" a low voice said. Kaycee turned around and surprised to see Sean. "Of course" she said before smiling a heart warming smile. He smiled back and placed his hands on her waist and she placed her hands on his neck. Their foreheads meting. They rocked from sids to side slowly and enjoyed the time they had together. 

Kaycee took a deep breath and starting "Sean I have something's to tel-" "I love you like more than a friend" Sean caught Kaycee of saying it quick.

She slowly raised her head, him doing the same so there were face to face. "I love you too" she said and smiled at him. He smiled back and pressing their foreheads together. She smiled and he smiled. And they stayed like that for a long time until a pop song playing again and Kaycee broke away from Sean to drag them over to their friends now standing in a big circle where a dance battle was held.

Sean and kaycee would steal glances of each other the whole night and the one lot thing Sean could think was

She's mine. Mine

Hope you enjoyed<3 please comment suggestions it would mean a lot. please vote if you liked. Goodnight xoxo

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