"How many of you have had sexual thought about Kaycee"

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The sound of a fork hitting the fine wine class echoed through the giant ballroom. The room turned silent, and Miya slowly stood up from the chair.

She waited a couple of seconds letting the silence stay silent for a while.

"Hey everybody. First of all i want to congratulate the newly wed couple. We all knew this day would come sooner of later, so when my son finally told us he was gonna propose to Kaycee, we weren't surprised. We knew from the first day you came home from rehersal with Kaycee that she was gonna be the one, you were gonna marry in the future". Miya spoke and the two newly wedded just smiled at each other. He placed a hand on her knee and whispered a "damn true" in her ear, making her giggle and smile.

"I'm gonna tell you guys about the early months of their dating, which includes Sean getting out of the friend-zone" she said and the room burst out in laughter. Everyone knew it was true. Everybody knew Sean fighted with getting out of that for a long time.

Sean, himself, began laughing and smiling wide, as well as his now wife. He mouthed an "again true" to her that made her laugh even more.

"Sean has always been attracted to Kaycee. When they first became dance partners when he had just turned 16 and Kaycee 15, it was by her smile and positivity. Sean would come home everyday after they had rehearsed, and he would tell me about how her smile always made him smile, or about the funny thing she said or about her laugh" Miya finished and the room got filled with "aww"s from the guests. Sean blushed and Kaycee laughed.

Miya took a deep breath before continuing. "But later something more got added onto that. When he became older, around 17 or 18 he started talking about her beauty. He began telling me and his sisters about her beautiful red lips, that she would lick when she didn't bring a chapstick, and her lips would get dry. He also told us about her gorgeous curls and how he hated when she straightened her hair or would slick it into a ponytail. And one time i may, or may not have heard Sean and Julian face timing and Sean would explain how heavenly her body was, and that he liked it extra more when it was sweaty" she ended.

People started making wolf whistles and howls. Everybody laughed again especially Julian, who remembered the call. While Sean was laughing, as well as everybody else, his eyes caught Devons who indeed wasn't laughing. Devon was staring at Sean with murder in his eyes. And Sean knew that look from Devon, and he knew what it meant. He gulped thinking about it turning his attention back to his angel wife.

"This continued for a few years. Sean falling in love, but maybe he didn't realize himself that he was in love with her. But everyone knew it. You could see it in the way he looked at her. The way he talked about her, describing her as an angel. And you could see it in the way his smile always became a little wider when she was around. And we all could see it. He was whipped"

Sean looked at Kaycee and she was smiling and blushing so hard. She was soon gonna explode just because of the love. He smiled back to her and swiftly placed a light kiss to her red cheek. "Awww"s were heard around them. Miya smiled proudly at them.

"And then something odd happened. When Sean turned 21, a few months after he bought his apartment he stopped talking about Kaycee. Just like that. We were all really confused. Even though he moved out some months ago, he still didn't stop talking about Kaycee. But then it all stopped. We were all in the household really confused and scared that he maybe fell in love with another girl"

The room was silent, waiting for Miya to continue the story

"So, in worry i turned to Laura, asking if something was not as it used to with Kaycee. Laura told me that Kaycee has had been been more closed with her feelings lately. So i took a decision to come visit Sean in his new apartment, so i could talk things out with him. So i drove over to Sean apartment. I knocked on the door and there was no answer. I checked if the door was open, and when the door was unlocked i locked myself and i regretted that the second i walked in. There was Sean and Kaycee on Sean couch in the living room, Uhmm making body activities if you know what I mean"

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