The confession

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It was a warm august night, when the two teenagers sat outside the Lew household.

The two best friends sat outside the house at the big family pool with one blanket each around their body.

I was just like any other night. The two best friends just enjoying each others company. It was almost normal to them now.

Sean had called Kaycee and asked her if she wanted to come over, bake some pizzas and staying the night. She without a doubt in her mind said yes. It was always funny when her and Sean where together.

She thought it was just gonna be like a normal night, watching tv-shows, eating and laughing. But boy, she was wrong.

Kaycee came over around 5PM and after saying their hellos, they immediately  starting making pizzas for the entire house.

They had lots of fun, listening too music, throwing flower at each other and laughing.

"KAYYCEEEE, why are you being so mean to the pizza dough! it has feelings too you know" He explained to her while yelling. She looked up from the dough she was currently rolling out. There he stood. Pouting playfully as he was staring in chock over how hard she had rolled the pizza dough out. With flour in his hair and tomato sauce on his cheeks.

She immediately started laughing of how stupid but also cute he looked. He just started at her confused, but with a smile on his face, while she was trying to catch her own breath. She had finally calmed down and took a deep breath, before opening her mouth to say something. But just when she had opened her mouth she bursted out laughing again.

Sean finally had enough and came in front of her and lifted her like a bag of potatoes. She screamed before starting laughing again. He scoffed to himself before running around the living room and kitchen with the girl laughing on his shoulders.

"SEAN STOPPP NOO IT TICKLES" she yelled laughing loudly. He went over to the cough and dunk her down on the sofa. He was now hovering her.

They were standing still for a moment just looking at each other. Sean still with flour and tomato sauce in his face and Kaycee with the biggest smile on her face.

"You have something..... right...... here" Kaycee reported as she took her finger and placed it on his tomato sauce covered nose. She took her finger back and pulled the finger with the tomato sauce on into her warm mouth. She quickly rolled away from under Sean, causing him to fall flat on his face on the cough.

Kaycee laughed to herself as she walked back to the kitchen.

Sean just lays still for a little while, what the frick just happen. Like him and Kaycee were flirty, but not THAT level. Especially not from her side. Sean was in chock. He slowly got up from the cough again and walked into the kitchen, where she disappeared just a few moments before.

He walked out to her in the kitchen with a slight smirk on his face. She just laughed again and went back to rolling the pizza out - a little more gently now. He scoffed for himself as he got in front of his own pizza.

Sean and Kaycee relationship was, well, different. They were both aware that they were more than just best friends. But they didn't do anything about it, in fact it was like an unspoken rule to not talk about it.

Sean has been crazy over Kaycee from the first time he saw her. He immediately had a huge crush on her since the first time they met when they were 7 and 8 years old at Show Stopper. He remembered her not crying or yelling like when the spoiled girls did when they didn't win. She happily clapped at the ones won, and gave them a hug right after.

When they were 10-14 years old they ran into sometimes, and she was always so kind and whenever they talked together she would make him smile.

Then they got older and became older and did world of dance and all that. Sean could control his feelings there. But still every time a lift failed and they would end up staying just a little to close, his heart would smile and he would fall for her all over again.

And now they were 19 and 18 years old. With the same label. "Best friend". Sean hated whenever Kaycee would call them that. Because deep down he wanted to be more than just best friends.

Sean was afraid to tell Kaycee his feelings in the start, because they were so long and he could ruin everything they had. But now, Sean didn't think they were too young, and he just couldn't stand another day not being able to call her his.

The night continued with them baking their pizzas and eating it with Sean's family - which were basically Kaycees family at this point. And after they did the dishes and sat outside with their blankets in front of the pool.

They were patiently enjoying the silence. Kaycee hoping that Sean would say something and Sean hoping Kaycee would say something.

Sean just simply scooted all the way over to Kaycee and laying down beside her, so his chest was pressed to her back spooning her. Kaycee smiled at the gesture.

"Sean what are we?" Kaycee broke the silence. She had collected all of her courage to ask that question. And she was so afraid of the answer.

"I really don't know Kayc" Sean whispered back to her.

He actually really didn't know. He actually had no clue.

Kaycee signed and turned around so she was laying face-to-face with Sean.

Kaycee took a deep breath and started "Sean i'm" "please let me Kayc" Sean cut her off softly. She just slowly nodded her head and looked down

"Kaycee, it was never the plan i would fall in love with my best friend. In one way it sucks because i might ruin everything we have, but in the other way i realize it's amazing" he ended.

He looked hopefully at Kaycee, but not getting any reaction from her. Just her staring at the pool.

"please just look at me while i confess, i promise you, you can look anywhere you want after that, i swear" he explained softly to her seeing her eyes looking into his brown ones

"if only you could see yourself the way i see you, because, holy shit, you'd realize how much i've fallen for you Kaycee. You are the love of my life Kayc and i promise you i will be the man of your dreams every single day, if you just let me" he ended seeing her with tears in her eyes staring up at him.

He let a tear fall himself as they just started into each others eyes, having small laughing breaks.

Kaycee didn't say that she loved him back, or something like that. He just knew by the way she was looking at him, and she knew he knew.

Sean hands were around Kaycees petite waist and Kaycees hands on his muscular shoulders.

"Is it at this moment we kiss?" Kaycee asked in a whisper. He looked at her surprised before nodding slowly and bringing his hands up to her face pulling her gently closer to his lips.

Their lips were now only one inch apart. Sean closed the last space between them and divide into her lips



this was a little softer than the other ones i just fell in love with ther plot

okay Byeee


Love yaaaa

word cound: 1264

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