Mojito and Gin & Tonic 1/?

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Kaycee looked up at the big round clock. The clock passed 9 PM and she was thankful for her 12-hour long workday was finally over. She sighed happily gathering her papers in a pile on the small desk. To say that she was exhausted was an understatement. She lifted herself from her desk chair looking around the office. All her eyes met where empty chairs and cleaned desks.

She sat down in her chair again, taking out her phone from her bag. She sat with her phone in her hands, not knowing what to do. She didn't have anything to get home to. No love, no family, no people. Just an empty small apartment. A toilet, a small kitchen, and a small single bed.

The room was quiet. No others were in the office. Maybe even the whole building. Everyone was home, probably with their significant other and children. She signed again.

She placed her phone down in her jean pocket. Gathering her last personal items. When shutting down her computer, she felt a weird feeling of someone else in the room. She shrugged it off continuing to shut her computer down. She looked up again and her eyes meet with her boss's eyes.


"Are you the last one?" his calm voice asked. She gulped and gave him a small nod. "Yes, Mr. Lew," her small voice said. She lifted her bag from the floor. He began slowly moving towards her. His steps were smooth and unhurried.

"I thought I was the only one left" she explained truly to him. He was now next to her. She swallowed again. He looked down at her, giving her a small side smile. His dimples - she didn't even know exited - showing on his cheeks

Everyone who worked at the office was intrigued by their boss.

He was mysterious. Always in his own office.

He was an attractive male. Everybody agreed. But the thing that made him irresistible was his personality. Closed off. Always kept to himself. His face and body we're also a big part of why he was so attractive.

Her co-workers shared their fantasy about him at the lunch table. Some too intimate to describe again.

So when he talked to Kaycee. She was stalled. She didn't even know he knew her name. She had only worked there for about a year and with 200 employees she thought he didn't even notice her. But apparently, he did. Or else he was just being nice, but that didn't seem like him. She thought

But she was right. He had noticed her. He acknowledged her from far away every day. Even though he was young and rich and could date any model he would, he was interested in her. He hasn't talked to her much before but had always wanted to. It was weird for feeling this way. He had never before been so interested in a woman.

But she was beautiful. She looked like an angel in his opinion. With curly hair and face clear from makeup. Always working with her co-workers Tahani and Bailey. He didn't pay a lot of attention to the two others, only having eyes for Kaycee.

"Okay, maybe this sounds crazy, but would you like to go and get a drink?" he asked insecure breaking the silence in the room.

Her breath hitched. Was her boss asking her out for a drink? Why her? Did he want anything special now? Did she hear him right? All the questions came rushing to Kaycee's mind. She was overall confused.

"It's okay if you don't want to, I just thought since we are the only two left and I have nothing planned" he explained to her immediately regretting that he had asked her. They didn't even know each other and he was asking her out. Stupid, he thought of himself.

"Nono, I would love to," she said sending him a sly smile. And his heart melted

If I died right here I wouldn't complain he thought.

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