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[ AN at the bottom ]

Sean was at his normal place in the normal time - making breakfast down in the kitchen. It had become a routine for him now to always make breakfast for her every morning. He didn't mind.

He loved it when she unhurried walked down the stairs, still sleepy and without any make-up on. She usually only was his large black hoodie, making her underwear invisible. She would come over to him by the stove giving him a quick kiss on the check or on his plump lips. Maybe more if the mood was there. She would mutter a "morning" and he would give her another kiss before whispering a "good morning beautiful", and after that they fell into a peaceful silence. She would start making coffee for them both, since they both had a long day.

Sean smiled for himself. He loved their memories, the small ones and the big ones. They all said they would eventually get bored with each other, but they never did. And one thing Sean knew was that they would never get bored while being together.

Sean was done with breakfast when he noticed she should be down by now. As far as he knew they didn't have anything planned today. Sean was gonna work on the new studio with Julian later, but that first around 4 or 5 pm. She had to teach a class at Imma-Space later, but that was an evening class. So they would have the whole morning and lunch together.

Sean looked at his watch. 9:43. "Weird" he thought. She usually didn't take that long. He got the breakfast over on two plates and started making coffee.

An "Ughhhhh" broke the silence in the kitchen. The frustrated groan came from his fiance, up in their bedroom on the first floor. He poured the freshly made coffee in two mugs and placed them next to the untouched breakfast. He made his way over to the stairs and ran up the stairs. When was up at the top, Sean placed one foot in front of the other, getting to their bedroom.

When the room was in sight he saw the mess. Mostly on the bed, but also on the small cough, the chair, the desk. And then he saw his fiance. She was bending down with her back against Sean, throwing more clothes in the already messy room. He always noticed she was only in her underwear and a bra. Her curly hair running down her pale bare back.

She was as always gorgeous. It didn't matter that they had been dating for 4 years now, her beauty surprised him everyday. And he told her that multiple times a day. She was an angel. It didn't matter if she was in formal clothes, hoodie and leggings or nothing, She was equally stunning.

He smoothly leaned against the door waiting for he to notice him. He actually didn't mind if she didn't see him for a minute or two, just so he could look at her a little more. She groaned once again, and in one swift motion she stood up and turned around on her hell. That was when she noticed Sean at the door.

She gave him an shy smile, tugging a stray of hair behind her ear. He didn't say anything, he just smiled at her hoping that would calm her from whatever was annoying her. She looked at the piles of clothes on the floor. She looked at him again sending an embarrassed smile. He laughed loudly at her stepping into the room. He walked the small distance over to her, only stopping when they were a few feet apart.

"What are you doing, angel?" he asked in the softest voice possible. She signed taking a step back going back to digging in the piles. He loved that she wasn't shy with her body, like she used to be. She was just herself and Sean was proud of her knowing her low self esteem problems in her teenage years.

She let out a loud whine before throwing herself on their king size bed. She brought her hands to her hair tugging at it. "What's wrong, love? he asked looking down at her. he tried not to but he couldn't help but let his eyes wander over her beautiful body, all stretched out on the bed Not now, later he thought.

She sat up quick, giving him a death glare. He laughed at his upset girlfriend. He walked over to where she was sitting on the bed. She didn't even flinch, when he placed himself inside her knees kneeling down so he was the same height as her. He gave her a goofy-smile hoping that would make her laugh. But she just sat with the same death glare on her face. He placed a hand on her knee trying to make her comfortable

"What got you so upset, kayc?" he asked her in the same soft voice. She signed placing her hands in her face. Sean took her hands away holding her small in his big ones. He smiled at her again, hoping to get a different reaction than last, and to his luck she game him a a small smile. "That's my beautiful girl" he spoke making her giggle and blush.

"Why are you upset?" he tried again , hoping she would answer this time. She signed again. A few moments of silence fell over the room.

"I have a important meeting today with the produces of my new protect. And I really don't know what to wear. I've been trying for almost an hour now finding out what to wear. And everything I try either it's too formal, too laid back, i look to fat or i look like an old grandma" she explained frustrated. She stood up walking over to the closet, checking in it again. She quickly gave up, and turned around so she was now facing a Sean standing up from his previous place. She looked at Sean searching for a reaction, but no facial expressions were made.

"I like the thing you are wearing right now" he admitted looking from the floor up to her with a smirk on his face. His eyes shining with love and desire.

"Seannnnn, I'm serious" she half groaned half laughed. He laughed with her. She quickly ran her eyes over his toned bare stomach. She brought her eyes back to his, seeing his smirk when he noticed she was checking him out. She walked over to him, only leaving a feet between them. He placed his hands on her bare waist and brought his head down to hers so he could peck her lips. He rested his forehead against hers. "I've got an idea" he whispered, before slipping over to his part of the closet.

He looked in the closet for a while, not finding the thing he was looking. Suddenly he whispered a happy "yes" and took the item out of his closet. He walked back to Kaycee with the thing in his hands, being extremely satisfied with himself.

"Are you saying i should wear that?" Kaycee asked the boy. "Yes" he answered proudly, not a doubt in his mind that he had just come up with the greatest solution. "Sean i can't, it's not going to look good" she remarked pointing down at the piece of clothes.

It was a light blue color. Almost like the clouds and the sky mixed on the sky. It was a formal bottom up shirt. Sean had been wearing the shirt once or twice to a special event. She looked from the bottom up shirt to Sean.

"Just look" he simply spoke. She rolled her eyes playfully but couldn't help but laugh. Sean lifted the shirt over her head. She lifted her arms up in the air so the material could run over her soft skin. The shirt fell perfectly. I was not too short or too long. It looked like a real dress. Sean sat his hands on her waist to he could twist her a bit, so she was standing in front of the mirror. He stayed behind her giving her a kiss on the cheek

"Wait" he whispered in her ear. The action made a rosy color rise in her cheeks. He walked over to his closet again, searing for a new item. A few seconds passed and he returned with a black leather belt. He went behind Kaycee, like he was standing before. He placed the belt around her flat stomach closing it at the front. The dress was now a little tighter around her waist, making her look more like an angel.

He walked in font of her so he could get a full look on her. She was beautiful. Stunning. His shirt looked like it could had been the best seller from Forever 21. He was proud of himself.

"Hm, what do you think?" he asked with a goofy smile on his face. He walked over to her setting his hands on her hips. "Not gonna lie, I kinda love it" she admitted smiling and turning around looking at herself in the mirror.

"Come on let's go down and eat breakfast" he spoke taking her hand and leading them down to the kitchen

Okay hii imma keep this short. I've been writing a lot but I just have a lot of unfinished drafts - so sorry bout that.
This was inspired from a play I saw in the theater some weeks ago, I just really like the intimate atmosphere there was(:
As always the thank you for reading I love reading your thought and please vote if you liked the story 👼🏽

Also I really didn't know what to name this lol

(Word count: 1635 )

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