figuring it out

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THANKS FOR 1K VIEWS/READS  ANNNDDDDD 50 VOTES!!!! I'm so grateful and I love you guys so much. REALLY THANK YOU!!!!

Their friends had been speculating for a long time now, if they're two friends were dating. Or no, they were almost 100 % sure, but the couple remanded silent.

So Bailey, Thahani, Julian and josh made a list about all the times they found the secret couple together and being suspicious.

They all got together in a circle on the floor and started counting and telling their story's to the three other memebers of the group

"One time I saw a pair of men underwear in her room" Bailey started

"Hey bronk" Kaycee said as soon as she opened the door. Her and bailey planned to hangout today and so they could bake cookies. It has been a long time since it was only them together so they were both exited.
They started backing the cooking and it went really well. The cookies needed to be in the oven so the girls walked up to Kaycees room just playing some music and chilling on their phones.

Suddenly something caught Baileys eyes. "Kayc" she said. "Yeah what's up" Kaycee answered. "Why is there men underwear in the corner of your room?" Bailey asked and pointed at the corner in the room. "It's not what you- kaycee started but got caught of by Bailey "DONT DARE LIE TO ME" Bailey said sternly. There was a moment of silence before they heard a "pling" signalizing the cookies were. "Come down" Kaycee said and walked quickly out of the room down to the kitchen leaving bailey choked.

"Damnnnn Sean and kaycee are getting it" said Julian and josh punched him lightly on the chest.

"OHOHOOGHO I have one" josh yelled making them all laugh at his yelling.

Josh walking through the door at the Lew house. "SEANNN!!" Josh yelled through the house. "Goodmorning to you too" said a sleepy serris from the kitchen. "Oh my gawd I'm so sorry Sean said he was home alone" josh quickly excused himself. She luckily laughed "it's okay no worry's" she said smiling and josh smiling back before walking over to Sean's room.

"GIT" he yelled while walking through the doors to Sean's room. "Holy fuck josh you gave me a shock" Sean said while picking out some clothes for him before walking over to his bathroom in his room.

"Dude, class starts in 30 minutes" josh said Sean. "I'm quick" Sean said and closed the door. "I left a hoodie over here a week ago, is it okay if I look in your room for it?!" josh yelled through the bathroom door. "Yes Of Course" yelled Sean back and josh started to look for his hoodie.

He looked around the room and under his bed but couldn't find it. He suddenly spotted the drawers and thought it was in there. He walked over to the drawer and opened the drawer where he knew Sean kept his hoodies. Maybe Sean just automatically put Josh's hoodie in that by mistake.

Josh opened the drawer and saw the drawer full of hoodies. He didn't see the hoodie so he started digging in the drawer until he saw something white sticking out of one of the hoodies. He took the hoodie and folded it out and what was inside shocked him. It was a white bralette. He immediately took out his phone and snapped a picture and sent it to Julian.

Dude looked what I found in Sean's drawer

Maybe it's just one of his sisters, maybe it was a mistake it landed in his room

No dude you don't get it. It was placed INSIDE a hoodie. He was hiding it, so if it was his sister he wouldn't hide it

Holy fuck dude this is huge. Don't tell  him you found it just leave it in the top of the drawer so he opens it he can see that it has been moved

Genius. Okay his shower turned off so he'll probably come now. Cya later

Josh quickly put the phone in his pocket and quickly found the hoodie. He took the hoodie and placed the bralette on top of all the hoodies flat down. He quickly closed the drawer and saw Sean come in one second later. "Did u find it?" Asked Sean while putting a T-shirt on. "Yeah" he said and I found something much more interesting he thought.

"KAYCEE RICE" Bailey yelled at her best friend after josh told them the "bralette story". "I didn't know kaycee was THAT type of girl" Thahani said smirking.

The list went on and on. The time bailey and Thahani found a note on Kaycees mirror that read "you are beautiful -s" on it (that one was kinda cute they all admitted), the time Julian showered at Sean's place and they found Kaycees favorite shampoo, a girl razor and tampons that was hiding IN SEANS PRIVATE BATHROOM.

"I first got suspicious when I saw a box of open condoms inside Sean desk. But I thought it was only a one time things cause when I looked again some months after the box was as it was a few months back" Julian said and baileys eyes widened. "When did you first see the box?" Bailey asked looking Intense at Julian. "Uhmmm 4 months ago maybe a little less" Julian answered. "Three and a half month ago I saw birth control pills in Kaycees desk!" Bailey yelled and everybody started at each other in shock. And after they yelled. And celebrated. Because that was the last puzzle that needed to be put together. Sean and kaycee we're together

Hi babyssss
Thanks for reading. This is little sucky but I hope you still liked it. I just got this idea of them collecting clues together the boys and girls. But yeah. please write suggestions and vote if you like this<33
Love you xoxo

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