Mojito and Gin & Tonic 2/?

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Kaycee walked through the doors to her work with confidence. Normally on Monday morning at 9, she would be a zombie. But today was different. She had dressed up in her pencil skirt, a white beautiful blouse, and a low ponytail. Her friends at her desk even noticed her not-so-zombie-like look.

It has been two weeks since the night at the bar. The next days after they would meet more often in the office. His office door was now always open, and he went down to the coffee machine himself, instead of sending his assistant down to do it. Maybe normal people would think this wasn't something special, but it was progress for him.

Some days later, they were the only to back again at late night. So, they decided to go out into the city and buy some ice cream and just walk around town. They had an amazing night filled with laughs, deep conversations and lots of ice cream. No alcohol this time. But they didn't mind. The night ended way later than planned, and when Kaycee got home to her lonely apartment, she couldn't sleep. She realized she was falling for her boss. She was not completely fallen yet, but she was falling fast. And she couldn't stop.

The same for him. He was whipped by her. He was intrigued by her beauty and her kindness. He found it fascinating how she would always see the best in people. She was perfect. And he had already fallen for her.

Sean decided to be brave and ask her out again. She, of course, said yes. They went ice skating late at night. They ate some light junk food before and then went out in the rink. At the start, Kaycee couldn't even move. She was too scared of falling and embarrassing herself. But Sean couldn't care less if she fell, it wouldn't change his opinion of her. Sean had to drag Kaycee around the rink. His big hand in her small one. The simple contact made both flinch. They were like two high schoolers with a massive crush.

The night ended in success. Kaycee ashamed of her lack of skills, and Sean in the greatest mood ever. Instead of a hug and a kiss on the cheek, as usual, Kaycee was feeling brave.


"I really enjoyed tonight Sean" Kaycee spoke blushing. The air was cold around them making their cheeks even redder. "I'm glad you enjoyed," he said flashing her a smile. She leaned in for the hug they always shared. He wrapped his arms around her small figure, smiling when he felt her hands on his back. He loved the way she melted against him. It made him feel powerful.

After a couple of seconds, she pulled away, making Sean immediately feel cold, missing her warmth. Kaycee got a sudden boost of confidence and she stepped a step closer to him and slowly brought her lips to his. Sean was mind blown, but fast realizing what was going on, kissing her back and placed his hands behind her head, bringing her closer. The kiss was soft and chante, and filled with love. Sean's hands were now at her waist and her hands were at his neck. Kaycee slowly pulled back from his lips, but her hands not leaving his neck.

"I guess I'll see you soon" she smirked pulling her hands from his neck to her pockets.

Sean couldn't even answer. He was in shock. Kaycee quickly noticed and laughed at his lack of attention.

"Goodnight beautiful" he simply said making her melt


"Why are you so smiley this beautiful morning," Tahani said in a high teasing voice, as Kaycee approached her two best friends. Kaycee kept walking and smiling. Her heels hitting the wooden floor, making loud noises in the packed office. When she was in front of the desk, she gave the two girls a light hug and Kaycee sat down in her chair.

"What do you mean?" Kaycee asked the Tahani, oblivious of what she was talking about. "You never smile on a morning, especially Monday morning" Bailey explained to their friend. Kaycee sat her bag down, sitting in her chair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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