The Christmas incident

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They were supposed to be on their way to the big Christmas Eve family gathering. With delicious food, Christmas games and family. But instead a huge un announced snowstorm came in Los Angeles, making the young couple really frustrated

"Fucking hell" he cursed under his breath going back and fourth the hallway in their shared apartment. They were just about to drive over to the Rice Family house for Christmas Eve when they got snowed in. How fantastic

"I can't believe this" he muttered again. There was a plan. Like always. They would drive at 5:20 and be at the house 6:30. The plan was not being stuck in the apartment at 6:00.

"Relax Sean it will be okay" she tried calming the boy with her soft voice from the cough. She was calmer about them not being able to make it. Even though it was her own family, she didn't think it was such a big deal.

"I feel so stupid" he talked to himself. Almost said it in a whisper, but still making Kaycees head turn.

"How can you possibly feel stupid, none of this is your fault" she remarked not enjoying him talking himself down like that.

He slowed down his intense walk to calm down a bit. He took a deep breath – in through the nose and out through the mouth – just like Kaycee taught him.

If it was any other day Sean wouldn't had been so disappointed in himself. But it was the first Christmas Kaycee and he were together as a couple. And he wanted the day to be perfect

"It's just it's our first Christmas together as a couple, and I want it to be perfect" he admitted not looking Kaycee in her eyes. He was ashamed of himself to be honest. "gosh I'm dumb"

"Sean, come here" she called, not being able to hear him talk himself down. He slowly dragged his feet over to the cough, were Kaycee was sitting calmly. He plopped down next to her, letting his tiredness take over. He was quickly wide awake when he opened his eyes, and saw Kaycee straddling him. His eyes met his and his eyes melted.

"Listen to me. I don't care if we don't make it out to them. I just want to spend this day with YOU. I've spent Christmas with my family for 21 years in a row. I don't mind being here. Or at least just for a little more, before the storm settles" she admitted, looking directly at him.

She wanted him to be honest, not just say what she wanted. What he really felt.

"Okay" he muttered. Kaycee was confused, that he accepted so fast. So, she kept quiet.

"Okay" he said again, this time louder. "If that is what you want then that's perfect" he spoke looking at her.

"We just need to see where the storm takes us, if you know what I mean. If it stops in half a hour, we will drive then. If the storm doesn't stop, we will just have to accept that" he stated calmly.

She was smiling. Both on the outside and the inside. Earlier he had problems with accepting thing not go as planned, like when the lifted didn't exactly turn out like they wanted, back when they were on World of Dance. Or when he wanted to be the first to kiss her, but she came before him and she kissed him.

She lowered down so she could place an innocent kiss to her lips. When her lips touched his, he melted completely. Still feeling butterflies in his stomach, like their first kiss. They kept the kiss short and innocent, because they both knew they had many things to do.

"What if I order some chinses food and we will watch a Christmas movie or something?" Kaycee asked still dazed from the previous kiss.

"What if we just stay a for a little more" Sean whined trying to catch her lips in his. Kaycee threw her head back in laughter. She looked at the slight needy boy beneath her, making her whine.

"Sean! You are the one who wanted a picture-perfect Christmas, and now you are acting like this" she laughed looking down at him and sending him a smile filled with love.

"Yeah yeah, okay okay, I'll go set the table, okay?" he spoke, and she nodded. They gave each other a smile, before Sean quickly pecked his lips again. She got down from him and grabbed her phone from her back pocket.

Kaycee called the Chinese place and Sean got up to set the table. He opened a bottle of whine and took out some candles. He also made sure to call Laura and tell them the incident. He mentioned many times how sorry they were, and they would come as soon as possible. Laura told just to take it easy, and that they could come in the morning. When Sean was done talking to Laura, Kaycee had the food ready.

The night ended in success, with just the two of them. They didn't want the evening to be any different. It was perfect.

In the morning they drove out to the Rice house, to celebrate Christmas morning with family


I'm so sorry for this being so short, I wanted to make it longer I promise, but I thought If I wait to long it won't be Christmas anymore, and then this story is waste.

But I'm currently working on "Mojito and Gin & Tonic 2" so be excited:)

Again Merry Christmas and I hope all had an amazing day with family and friends

Word count: 937 

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