Chapter Two

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TW: violence, blood

 What did you really expect?

Virgil's POV

"Um, Joan?" I said shakily. "What the hell am I looking at?"

I didn't tear my eyes away from the monstrosities in front of me, but I could hear my friends breathing quicken.

"Scythian Dracaena." They answered quietly.

The monster on the left, the one that hadn't spoke yet, trained her gaze on Joan and smiled, showing pointed teeth and a forked tongue.

"Demigod with a side of goat meat? Today's our lucky day."

Demigod? Goat meat? I looked over at Joan to see their reaction, and I was not prepared for what I saw. Their eyes had taken on a yellow hue and their pupils were slit like a goats.

Am I high? I'm definitely either high or insane, and I'd rather be the former.

I was so distracted by my friend's change in appearance, I almost didn't notice the attack in time. I dived at Joan, knocking us both out of the way just as the dracaenae lunged at us. I pulled them up as fast as I could and started to drag them behind me.

I sprinted down the road and began to climb the hill that Joan had pointed out earlier, the sounds of hissing and thumping followed us as the creatures chased us.

I was kind of worried for the bus driver, but I was a little pre-occupied at the moment. And besides, working in New York, he's probably seen way weirder things than two half-snake ladies chasing a panicked emo and a person with goat eyes.

Now that I say it like that, maybe not.

We were nearing the crest of the hill, and my lungs were burning. That's when Joan yelled and fell out of my grasp with one of the monsters' snake trunks wrapped around their ankle. I turned to help them, but another snake trunk hit me square in the chest. It felt like I was hit with a log and I went flying.

I slammed into a large pine tree and before I could catch my breath, a clawed hand grasped my throat and pushed me up so I was at eye level with the dracaena. She tightened her grip so she was nearly choking me. 

"Now, there's no need to make this kinky." I gasped out

From not too far away, I heard Joans slightly breathless voice yell out,


The dracaena glared down at me with her bright green eyes.

"Say your prayers, quickly."

I had determined a long time ago that even if I prayed, no one would answer. I had tried for years, until I resigned to the fact that even if there was a god out there, they definitely wouldn't be sending me any help.

"No need," I responded heavily, her claw still wrapped around my throat. "I'm pretty sure Satan is saving a seat for me in hell anyway."

Her mouth twisted in to a terrible grin.

"Goodbye, Virgil August."

My hands flailed around, tracing the wood of the tree and searching for something I could use to get out of her grip. That's when I remembered a small object resting in my jean pocket.

Acting on instinct alone, I grabbed my pocket knife, flicked it open, and shoved the pointed bronze point right into the dracaenas neck

She screeched in pain and dropped her hand from my neck. I would've gotten a face full of green blood if I hadn't rolled out of the way as I hit the ground.

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