Chapter Fourteen

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AN- Please read the authors note at the bottom

TW: Implied abuse

Roman POV

Perhaps exploded was a slight exaggeration, but when half a dozen Cyclopes crash through the ceiling it calls for some embellishment.

The ear splitting sound of metal being destroyed pierced through the air as Virgil flung himself over me. As touched as I was by the gesture, I was too disoriented to do anything more than cover my ears with my hands.

I felt Virgil attempt to push himself up before he was pulled off of me with an admittedly ungraceful noise.

I leapt to my feet at the same time Logan did. He already had his staff in hand and my fingers were itching to grab one of my throwing knives. I looked up to see the roof of the train completely torn open, wind blowing forcibly through.

In front of me though, were the real horrors. At the front of the nearly destroyed train carriage stood six Cyclopses, each one seven foot tall at least and a single bloodshot eye in the middle of each of their foreheads. Most of them held weapons like clubs, and the son of Hades was in the grasp of the one of the largest.

The Cyclopses, chuckling evilly in their deep and scratchy voices, were pinning his arms behind his back as Virgil was too stunned from the impact to attempt to resist. He had a scratch on his cheek from the metal roof and although his face was more or less unreadable, I could tell he was in some sort of pain.

"What the hell dude-" Virgil groaned but a Cyclops covered his mouth with its hand.

I growled and reached to unsheathe two throwing blades but Logan caught my wrist before I could.

"Roman." He said, without taking his eyes off of the monsters. "Get the mortals away. I'll attempt to keep them at bay."

I instantly wanted to object. I needed to save that gorgeous boy like the heroic prince I am before he got hurt! But I could hear the panicked shouts of the mortals on the opposite side of the train carriage and begrudgingly turned to get them out.

There weren't many mortals, one older woman on her own and a two teenagers about my age. I ran up to the older woman, looking over my shoulder with every step, and held up my hands to try and calm her down.

"Ma'am," I said as I approached. "I'm need you guys to leave."

She didn't answer. Although mortals couldn't see monsters, I'm sure that whatever she was seeing through the Mist wasn't exactly great. I sighed, wanting this to go much faster.

"What's your name?"

"M-Mary." She answered, her voice shaking.

"Mary," I gave her one of my best Aphrodite-charm smiles in a way to persuade her. "I'm going to need you to take these two and go through this door, okay?"

Her scared expression wavered as the slight enchantment washed over her. Mary took the two teenagers by their shoulders and lead them through the door behind them to the next train carriage.

With the mortals out of the way, my smile melted off as I turned to face the threats again.

"Release him!" Logan was demanding, but the Cyclopes ignored him.

I whipped two throwing knives out of their sheaths and threw them with careful precision, pinning the largest one to the wall by its shirt. The other monsters quit their laughter.

"He said release him." I growled over the roar of wind.

The one I had pinned down glared at me with its massive green eye and wretched itself free of the blades, tearing off segments of its ratty tunic.

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