Chapter Twelve

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Virgils POV

We were all tense, not knowing what awaited us just down the road.

I knew that Roman was right about us needing new outfits to blend in with the new environment that we were soon going to be in, but that didn't mean I had to be happy about it. I was pretty uncomfortable not wearing my hoodie, since I always had it on it was kinda like my safe place, I guess.

I drummed my fingers anxiously on the pommel of my sword but I was determined to find out what was causing the magical output. And if whatever it is took Patton, I was more than ready to kick some godly ass.

"What's the name of this nightclub anyway?" Roman asked, as we could hear pounding music coming from around the block. "It sounds like quite a party already."

"It's called Pandemonium, the most popular venue for large gatherings." Logan answered as he flattened his hair down into his usual style.

"Ugh. Even the name sounds too chaotic for comfort." I groaned. "It literally has 'demon' in the name!"

Finally, we turned the corner to see a long very long line of people waiting to go into a dark purple and black nightclub with neon red letters lit up above the entrance. I inhaled sharply at the sight of so many people.

"Now there's the problem of getting in," Roman began, looking around. "They're not going to let in three minors without an adult."

"Leave it to me." Logan assured.

He led us through the crowded area and up to the bouncer that was letting people through.

"Where do you three think you're going?" The bouncer said in a gravelly voice as he blocked the entrance. "Run away from your babysitter didja?"

I rolled my eyes, but Logan stepped forward and snapped his fingers once, a clear and abnormally loud noise. The bouncers eyes glazed over.

"We're on the list. We're allowed in and you will tell no one that we were here." Logan told him quietly so no one except us could hear his words. "Okay?"

The bouncer nodded in a daze then straightened up and moved to the side to let us through.

What the hell was that? Could demigods mind control people?

"He manipulated the Mist." Roman, who must've noticed my confusion, provided to me. "A little trick Chiron taught him. I've only ever seen him do it a couple times though."

Remembering that the Mist is kinda like the veil that stops normal mortals from seeing all the monsters and stuff, I just nodded and turned to look at the room we had entered. There was a bar on the side where a few stragglers sat and there were tables chairs scattered around the room, about half of them occupied. Most people were crammed onto the dance floor as a song I couldn't make out played over the big speakers at the front.

I hated this already.

There were way too many people, too many voices, the stench of alcohol was almost nauseating  and the music was pounding in my head. I didn't even have my hoodie to give me at least a bit of comfort.

We all decided to spread out to try and find what had brought us here in the first place so pretty soon, Roman and Logan were out of my sight, lost in the sea of dancing bodies.

I sighed and searched all around the first floor, every hallway and closed door, but found nothing but the occasional drunk partygoer.

Since my friends were taking the other two floors, I had nothing left to do. So I just leaned against one of the walls and thought about nothing as I tried not to look at the bright colourful lights that were flashing around the room. But soon, my moment was interrupted, and not by anyone that I wanted to be interrupted by.

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