Chapter Eight

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Virgils POV

In the time I was alone in the Hades cabin, two weird things happened.

Firstly, I had a dream. That wasn't the weird part, even though it was the first time in years I hadn't had a nightmare instead.

The weird part was what happened in the dream. I was trapped in an underground cave and the only light came from a slit in the ceiling, way too high to reach.

I banged on the walls with my fists, yelling for help, to no avail. I tried throwing rocks, kicking, even throwing my body against it, but nothing. That's when a pitch black raven with glittering coal eyes appeared out of no where.
It flew at the wall and passed right through it. The stone began to crumble where it had touched and the rocks began to fall on me.

I woke up right after that, and that's when I noticed the second weird thing.

On the iron alter across the room lay a sword in a gleaming silver sheath.

I stood up off the floor and rubbed my eyes with the sleeve of my hoodie. Then I approached the sheath warily and picked it up. Somehow, I knew it was a gift from my father, almost like a peace offering.

'I don't want anything that comes from that bastard' I thought bitterly, until I slid the sword out of the sheath. I gasped quietly.

The blade was pitch black and cold to the touch. It had a sort of purple glow and seemed to chill the air around it. A part of me was telling me to put the weapon down and never pick it up again, but the rest of me felt too drawn to it to let go.

This was my sword. I just knew it.

So I sheathed the blade again and looked back at the alter.

"Um, thanks, I guess." I said to the empty room, but directing it to someone I couldn't see. "I appreciate it, if you're listening. Just... don't think this means I'll be calling you Dad any time soon."

No one replied, but at that point I didn't really expect him to.

So that led us to now, with my new black sword pointed at an infuriatingly attractive son of Aphrodite's throat.

"What part of 'go away' do you not understand?" I growled.

"Woah," Roman said, startled but not seeming afraid. He held his hands up in surrender. "Woah."

I had started to to cry as I listened to Roman, Patton, and Logan's words through the door as I leaned against it, and I knew there were still tears trailing down my face. I ignored them and attempted to look unaffected.

"Why are you in here?" I demanded, trying to glare at him.

"Virgil," Roman began, staying perfectly still. "You and I both know that you shouldn't be alone right now."

Dammit. Why did he have to be right?

"So what?" I said. My sword hand had begun to shake a little bit. "Why would that matter to you?"

He met my eyes.

"Because I care about you, Virgil."

My grip on the handle went slack and my sword clattered to the ground. I stared into his crimson eyes in startled shock.

I had no idea how six little words had such and impact on me, but my eyes were starting to tear up. That is, until harsher words rose to the front of my mind.

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