Chapter Twenty One

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Roman's POV

Before we got on our way, Apollo told Logan and I to sit still while he healed the little injuries we acquired from the Laistrygonian battle so we wouldn't have to use up our Nectar and Ambrosia.

I didn't think I was hurt at all, not including a couple scrapes and bruises, but as soon as Apollo worked his healing magic I felt lighter. As if I had been covered in a weighted blanket and didn't even realize it until he took it off, like an enchantment. Maybe Aletheia had done something to me? I remembered everything clearly until we got to the ranger's station- no wait, I remembered goofing off with Logan and Virgil while putting our backpacks away. Then I grabbed a drachma, walked out the door and...?

I couldn't remember. Or rather, I knew what happened but only when someone reminded me. Like when Logan mentioned something about an Iris-Message with Remus, and I remembered sitting on the wooden steps and throwing a coin into the glimmering mist. Or how from the way Logan was acting a bit colder towards me and Virgil had drawn back into his shell, I knew I had royally messed something up, I just couldn't remember what. It was like I had a jigsaw puzzle in front of me, but I couldn't put it together until I was given the pieces.

One thing I did know was that we were headed to Miami, where hopefully our quest would end. What were the odds the one place our quest led up happened to be the place my family just happened to have a vacation home in? That had to be the best coincidence ever.

So when my friends and I climbed back into Apollo's sun chariot, I gave the god my Miami address. Logan, who was sitting in the front seat at Apollo's insistence, looked at me oddly.

"What?" I asked him as I fell back into my seat behind the god. "Would you rather stay in another hotel or a beach house on the ocean?"

Logan rolled his eyes but before he could say anything, Apollo flicked the golden van into drive.

"You know what Apollo I'm beginning to have second thoughts about this method of transportation-" Logan started to protest but got interrupted by the sun god.

"Seatbelts everyone!" He called.

Next to me, I saw Virgil slide a hand over his mouth to hide a smile.

"Please let this be a normal field trip." I heard him whisper under his breath as he was looking out the window. I realized that that was a reference I actually understood.

"With the Frizz? No way." I tossed back at the purple eyed beauty. Despite his efforts to stay quiet, Virgil burst into surprised laughter that had me smiling in a matter of seconds.

His laughter turned into a yelp of surprise when Apollo pulled the sun-chariot-in-disguise off the ground and shot it into the the air. With my heart hammering, I scrambled to do up my seatbelt. I glanced out the window to see us still going up, rocketing above fluffy white clouds into a smooth blue skies. It would've been gorgeous if I wasn't so freaked out.

I think I might be afraid of heights.

I'd been on a plane before, but almost never the window seat. Remus would always battle me over it and I usually didn't care all that much so I hadn't known I was scared of heights until the moment I realized there wasn't anything but a couple scraps of metal between me and certain death. I nearly choked myself with my seatbelt trying to push myself away from the window as fast as possible.

"Woo hoo! Isn't this fun?" Apollo yelled over the roar of wind that somehow seeped through the glass of the window.

"No." I said in unison with Logan, who was in the front seat. I looked up to see the son of Athena's hands clamped hard on the dashboard, knuckles white, and I remembered that he's also afraid of heights.

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