1: "larger than your brain can handle"

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~•~Elena's POV~•~

"Okay, I would kiss Jacob, marry Alex, and kill Tony," my best friend Jo says as we sit down for first hour chemistry.

"Really? Marry Alex? I mean at least Jacob would pay more attention to you than himself," I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah that's tru-"

"Hey guys, what're you talking about?" Jo is interrupted by Caleb, my other best friend.

"We are playing kiss, marry, kill... again," I say unenthusiastically.

"Nooo, guys can we talk about something else?" Caleb is the only guy in our small friend group, so sometimes he gets a little left out of our conversations,"... but who did you marry?"

Jo laughs at Caleb, "Alex, obviously."

"Seriously? He's so full of himself."

"That's what I said!" I throw my hands up.

That's when Mr. Clarke walked to the front of the class. "Students, today we are doing a lab. I will be assigning partners and you will follow the instructions on the papers on your tables." The whole class groans at the words "assigning partners."

As he goes down the list of partners, I pray that I get partnered up with Jo or Caleb.

"Becca and Shawn. Lizzie and Micheal. Jo and Caleb."

Oh no

"Alex and Elena."

Ohh noo.

"Well that's just great," I say.

"Lucky," Jo mumbles.

"Wow, thanks," Caleb says and rolls his eyes. Caleb has had a crush on Jo since seventh grade, but she's completely oblivious and Caleb would never admit it to her.

I walk over to my lab table and start getting together the supplies.

"Hey doll," Alex says as he walks up to our table and smiles.

"Ok, one, don't call me doll. Two, can you please go fill these graduated cylinders up with water?"

For a split second, Alex looked taken aback by my comment. But then he resumed with his constant smirk, leaned forward, and said, "I think I'd rather watch you go fill them up."

Is that supposed to make me fill them up? Cause it was pretty stupid.

I cringe, grab the graduates cylinders, and place them in his hands. "I think you got it, or is this task larger than your brain can handle?"

"Alrighty then, " he says as he turns and walks towards the sink.


After class, I walk up to Jo and Caleb.

"So, how was it?" Jo asks.

"Awful. It took so much effort for him to do the easiest jobs." I open my locker.

"Okay, but you got to be ALEX HANSEN'S LAB PARTNER."

"He's not a celebrity, Jo," I mutter.

"Yeah seriously, what's your obsession with him?" Caleb asks.

"I'm not obsessed with him, he's just really athletic, smart, nice," me and Caleb exchange looks at that one," and really hot."

"Ok Jo, whatever you say," I shake my head as we walk to second hour.

I wrote my first chapter!!☺️

I know it's short, but I didn't have much to cover in this one, it's just an introduction to the story.

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