3: "we need some rules"

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soo this chapter was seriously inspired by To All The Boys I've Loved Before, so you will probably see some similarities if you've seen that movie. That's also why I put Lara Jean and Peter's contract as the picture. That's all, enjoy :)

~•~Elena's POV~•~
"What's in it for me?" I say crossing my arms. There's no way I'm gonna say yes to this, but I might as well know what I'm gaining from it.

"Well, first of all, you're gonna gain major popularity from dating me." He points at himself and smirks.

I raise an eyebrow. "Does it look like I care?"

He pretends to think about it for a second and says "No, not really.... OH! I know. Do you have a crush on anyone?"

I'm slightly taken aback by the question. "What?"

"Like... do you like any guys. Like do you want to date any guys. In school. Do you-"

"Yeah, ok I get it." I mean, there is one guy. His name is Peter Parkison, and he's way out of my league. He's super smart, and humble, and cute, and-

"So, do you?" Alex interrupts my thoughts.

"Uh, yeah, why?"

"Okay, well I was thinking. If you dated me, this mystery guy... or girl no judgment," he says, putting his hands up," would definitely notice you more and maybe even be jealous."

He actually has a point.

"Okay... you have a point. But there needs to be more. I want $200." I had been saving up for a car and that $200 would really get me closer to my goal.


"But... we need some rules."


Alex and I go to the library and sit down at one of the tables in the corner of the room. He agreed to drive me home so I don't have to ride the bus. I pull out a piece of paper and write "rules" on the top.

"So how long exactly is this gonna last?" I ask.

"However long it takes for people to think we are actually dating." I sigh.

"Ok, first rule," I start writing," is no kissing."


"Ok... and you owe me $50 if this goes on another week, and $50 for every week after."

"This isn't gonna last that long, but put that down if it makes you feel better."

"Ok... and you drive me to and from school until I get a car, so I don't have to ride the bus. I know you live in my neighborhood, so it shouldn't be hard."

"How do you know where I live?"

"Uh, I've seen you in your front yard while driving through the neighborhood." In reality, Jo is just a huge stalker and somehow figured it out.

"Alright... but I take my brother to school too and he's not gonna be happy about it. Also, you come to my football games." He takes the pen from my hand and writes down the rule.



"Is that all?"

"I think so."

We get up and walk outside to his car. I don't know much about cars, but I know this one is nice. We get in and I look around. It's actually pretty clean. Wait. Scratch that. His entire backseat floor is covered in stuff. He throws his backpack behind him and pulls out of the parking space. I give him my address and he picks up his phone.

"You like music?" He asks as he reaches for the aux.

"Who doesn't." Alex plugs his phone into the cord and scrolls through his music until selecting something and putting down the phone into a cup holder. As soon as the song started, I knew exactly what it was.

Baby by Justin Bieber.

"Really?" I ask.

"Hell yeah! This is my song!" Alex then proceeds to scream-sing the words "You know you love me" extremely off-tune. I can't help but laugh. He sees me in the corner of his eye and points at me.

"I knew it! I knew you could smile!" He yells, enthusiastically.

I quickly hide my smile again.

When he pulls up to my house, I unbuckle my seatbelt, open the car door, and grab my backpack.

"I'll pick you up at 8AM!"


"Bye babe," Alex says with his cocky smirk on his face.

"Rule number 5, don't call me babe."

I'm really excited for everything coming after chapter 4, that's when things really start to get interesting!

what rule do you think they should have added to the list?


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