13: "selling you drugs or something"

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~•~Elena's POV~•~
I walk into chemistry alone and sit down next to Jo and Caleb. Suddenly, I remember the party on Saturday and am happy to stop thinking about Alex.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I say, grinning suspiciously.

"Uh... nothing much... you good?" Caleb asks.

"I'm good, but after that party the other day, I'm wondering if you guys are good." I laugh. Caleb nods and Jo gets a worried expression on her face.

"Oh, yeah, we were really drunk I guess, cause we both woke up pretty hangover," Caleb says cluelessly, "I hope we didn't do anything weird." He and Jo laugh. I sit there in shock and confusion, looking back and forth between the both of them.

Neither of them remember anything that happened that night.

"Right, uh..." I start to say, but Alex walks into the room surrounded by his friends. I wonder if he told them yet. Caleb and Jo follow my gaze to Alex, and see that something is wrong by the look on my face.

"You okay?" Jo asks.

"Oh!" I snap out of it. "Yeah, I'm good, it's just uh... me and Alex fake broke up today." Both of their faces drop.

"Man, you guys were starting to get close, huh."

"Oh, it's fine, it was fake remember?" I say as I fake a smile. Mr. Clarke walks to the board and starts a lesson. Throughout the class, I can't stop looking back at Alex. I wanna see his facial expression, and try to figure out what he's feeling, but every time I look back he has been looking at me. I laugh at how he pretends that he was looking at the board, but I know better.

About halfway through class, I turn towards Alex but someone else catches my eye. Peter Parkison. The guy that I was supposed to have a crush on. The guy that was supposed to notice me because I was dating Alex Hansen. And I had forgotten all about him. As I look at him, I realize that any feelings I ever had for him, they were gone. No more butterflies or my heart racing or getting nervous when he looks my way. But then I turn to Alex, and that all comes back.


The week goes by slowly. More and more people start to realize that me and Alex are no longer together and I'm suddenly hearing my name everywhere. By the time Friday afternoon finally rolls around, I'm ready to get out of school.

It's weird not getting 5 texts throughout the day reminding me that Alex has a game. It's also weird not going to the game. I thought about it, but I figure it's best if I don't. As I'm walking out of the main doors, I get a text from Alex.

Alex: hey, if you wanna meet me in the library real quick, I have your payments.

My payments. I completely forgot that I was dating Alex as a job. Also, that means I have to talk to him again. In the car on the way to school the whole week I just put in my earbuds and look out the window, so we haven't really had any conversations since Monday.

I walk into the school library and see him sitting at the same table in the corner that we sat at when we made our rules. Only a month ago but it seems like so long. He hands me a bundle of cash and I let out a laugh.

"What?" He asks.

"Nothing, it's just... it looks like I'm selling you drugs or something." He smirks.

"Yeah, it does doesn't it," He sighs," well, um, that's all, I guess."

"Oh ok, bye." I start to walk away as he looks down at his phone. I walk slowly, I don't know why, but I'm trying to give him a chance to do something, anything...

"Elena, wait." I turn around quickly and walk towards the table. He smiles.


"Uh, my mom has this big start of winter party at the beginning of December every year, and I'm allowed to invite a friend from school. But every time one of my friends go they either embarrass my family somehow or try to steal alcoholic drinks. So um... maybe you wanna go? My mom loves you. Can't really say the same for Aiden though..."

"Oh, yeah! Sure. When?"

"Saturday night, the 10th, 6pm to 10pm, but you can leave earlier if you want to. And, it's kinda formal, also, but you can wear whatever."

"I'll be there." I smile to myself as I walk away.

the party thing was originally supposed to be a barbecue but then I realized that it's kinda weird to have a barbecue in December soo... Alex's mom really likes winter now.

second chapter of the day 💪🏼 although they're both really short... sorry

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