14: "the stars or something"

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~•~Alex's POV~•~
I wake up on Saturday smiling. As soon as I opened my eyes, I remembered that today was the party. I was excited to talk to Elena again and actually hang out with her. I get out of bed and head to my closet. I have to help my mom set up before the party, so I throw on a random t-shirt and some basketball shorts.

My brother and I help my mom move furniture, set out tables, cook, and decorate. Pretty much anything she could think of, we had to do. Soon enough, it was  5:00. I head to my room and shower. When I get out, I head to my closet and put on a white button up with black pants and black sneakers. I grab a light blue tie to match the party's winter theme. I walk out of my room and instantly my mom is yelling at me to put on some nicer shoes.

"Mom, my dress shoes don't fit anymore!"

"Well maybe you should have told me that before the party was fifteen minutes away!" She threw her hands in the air with frustration and started to walk away, "and tuck in your shirt!" I sigh and look at Aiden, who has his shirt tucked in already. She must have gotten to him first. About 2 minutes later, I'm still trying to tie my tie when the doorbell rings. My mom is still trying to get the last of the decorations up so I go to answer the door. Surely enough, it's Elena.

She's wearing a light blue dress that, oddly enough, matches my tie, with white heels. Her hair is lightly curled, which is different. She always keeps it straight.

this is kinda what I pictured her wearing but I couldn't find a dress that I really liked

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this is kinda what I pictured her wearing but I couldn't find a dress that I really liked

"Hey." She smiles when she notices my tie, which is around my neck, tangled around itself. "You need help with that?"

"You know how to tie a tie?"

"Uh, yeah." She says as she attempts to untangle it. "My mom did it for my dad once when I was little and I wanted to learn. So she taught me, and I guess I haven't forgotten." She finishes tying it and looks up at me with a satisfied smile.

"Oh, well thanks."

"No problem... so did you plan for us to match or was that a coincidence?" She says laughing.

"Look, I just dressed to the theme of the party."

"So did I."

"Okay." I day raiding an eyebrow teasingly. We walk into my living room where my mom has finished decorating. She turns around and looks at us.

"Oh wow! Alex, I hope you realize how lucky you are to be dating her. Elena, you look gorgeous!" She smiles and walks back into the kitchen. My face gets hot as I realize that I never told my mom we broke up. I look over at Elena and she seems to have had the same reaction.

"Sorry, I just never got to telling her."

"Oh, it's fine, she seems... happy. You don't have to ruin today for her." Elena says laughing softly. For the next hour me and Elena were on door duty. We opened the door for guests and welcome them to my house. I told her that we could make Aiden do it, but she said it was fine. Once we were sure that everyone was at the party and no new guests were going to arrive, we went to sit down at one of the open seats in the room, but they were all taken. I stood there for a few seconds before getting an idea and looking over at Elena.

"Hey, I have an idea. Come with me." I grabbed her hand and pulled her up the stairs and into my upstairs hallway, where Aidens room was. There's a window in the hall that opens up completely and you can climb out of it and sit on a big part of our roof. My mom still doesn't know about it. It's a nice hideaway. I pull open the window and look at Elena.

"We are going onto your roof?"

"Yeah I mean, it's crowded down there, and loud, and... I thought it might be nice if we just sat out here and looked at the stars or something. It's my hiding place. If not though, that's okay." I say awkwardly. This was a bad idea. But Elena smiles.

"Yeah, ok. But I should probably take my heels off. And you go out first." I smile and climb through the window and onto the roof. It's almost flat, and there's lots of room, so I'm not ever really worried about falling off. I turn around and help Elena onto the platform before shutting the window almost completely.

"So... this is fun. Me and you hanging out." Elena says.

"Yeah, it really is." I smile.

"Um, you know I'm here. If any of your friends ever get on your nerves too much and you need someone."

"Uh, yeah." I chuckle. "And I'm here if Jo and Caleb can't hang out cause they're too busy making out." Elena laughs.

"So we're friends?"

"Of course... so I actually wanted to ask you something."

"Oh, ok. What's up?"

"Remember when I asked you if you had a crush? When we first started talking to each other? And you said yes?"

"Oh... yeah. I don't like him anymore." She laughs awkwardly.

"Oh... ok." That doesn't explain why she was staring at him in chemistry, but I believe her.

"What was your question though?"

"Oh, I was gonna ask who he was."

"Oh... uh, Peter Parkison." She laughs nervously. "I used to really like him, but I saw him in chemistry the other day and realized that my feelings for him are completely gone."

"Oh, ok. So... do you like anyone new?" Elena looks at me, then back down at her hands.

"Uh, yeah, actually. I do. What about you?" She looks up at me again.

I look into her eyes and move my body towards hers.

"Yeah. I do too." We look into each other's eyes while our bodies are completely facing each other. The only noise is the faded conversation of my mom's guests and crickets chirping. I start to slowly move towards her.

"Alex!" I quickly look to my right. Aiden is standing inside looking out of the window. "Mom is looking for you, and you better get inside before she finds you out here and puts bars in the window."

I sigh and look back at Elena. She looks disappointed but gives me a fake smile, and climbs into the house.

look at me finally updating

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