9: "all full of yourself"

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~•~Elena's POV~•~

I woke up at noon. This might be normal for most teenagers on a Sunday, but the latest I can usually sleep in is 10. Last night really was hectic. I pick up my phone to see a text from Alex, replying to a text I sent him before I went to sleep.

Elena: on second thought, I think I'll continue with our plan

Alex: glad to hear it 😉

I smile and roll out of bed, bringing my covers with me onto the floor. I trudge down the stairs, where my parents are sitting eating lunch and Kate is watching Riverdale.

"She's alive!" My dad yells, fists in the air. My mom rolls her eyes.

"Good morning sweetie."

"Good morning, mom." I smile. Kate doesn't look away from the TV. I sit down at the table.

"So, me and your mom were talking about that boy that's been driving you to school and taking you to parties and whatnot."

Oh no. This can't be good.

"Uh... Alex?"

"Yeah, Alex. Well, we think it would be good to get to know him a little better by inviting him over for dinner tonight. Your mom is cooking enchilada casserole."

My mom smiles. I frown. I don't like casserole. I also don't want Alex meeting my parents. But knowing my dad, I'm not getting out of this one.

"I'll uh, text him." I pull out my phone.

me: I hope you like enchilada casserole

Alex: ...why?

me: my parents want to get to know you more by you coming to dinner tonight 😬

Alex: I'll be there. What time?

me: 6. You better behave. If you act like an idiot, AKA yourself, they aren't gonna let you "date" me anymore.

Alex: you really dont trust me

Elena: not at all


That night, me and Kate were setting the table when someone knocked on the door. Okay. Here we go. I take a deep breath and open it up. As expected, Alex is standing there with his usual smirk. But instead of his usual t-shirt and jeans, he's wearing a dark blue button up and khaki pants. His hair is combed back neatly. In one hand he's holding a bouquet of flowers. I stand and stare at how different he looks.

"Wow, I really look so good that you're speechless, huh?" He raises an eyebrow.

"No you just-" I start to defend myself but am interrupted by my mom walking towards the door.

"ALEX!! It's so nice to meet you!"

"Ah, Mrs. Wheeler, these are for you." He says, handing her the flowers.

for all you stranger things fans, this scene is giving me major Mrs.wheeler and billy vibes😬 anyway, carry on

"Why, how sweet! Thank you! Come on in!" She says as she walks to get a vase for the flowers.

"You really are trying aren't you." I whisper.

"You're welcome, by the way." He says as he follows my mom into the dining room. I follow behind and sit down at the table with him as my sister brings in the last of the food.

As we eat, my dad and Alex get into a conversation about football for most of the time until the room goes silent. We eat silently for a few seconds before Kate looks up.

"So, you're my sisters... boyfriend?"

"Uh... yeah."

Kate looks back and forth between me and Alex for a few seconds before responding. "How did that happen?"

"Mom!" I exclaim.

"Kate, don't be rude." My mom says sternly.

"Hey, it was just a question!" Kate defends. Alex starts to laugh and Kate smiles.

After dinner, Alex volunteers to do the dishes and my mom makes me help. The rest of my family is watching America's Got Talent in the living room.

"Well that was interesting." I say as I take a plate from Alex to put in the dishwasher. He laughs.

"Yeah, they're nice. Kate is funny."

"Yeah, she's definitely interesting... uh, thanks. By the way. For actually trying. I mean I don't know if you did it just to mock me or something, but I'm glad you did. Cause if you came into my house all full of yourself like you are at school I think my dad would've killed you." I laugh and look over at Alex. He stopped washing plates and was looking down. "You okay?" I ask.

"You know, that's not me."

"What's not you?"

"That full of himself, cocky, rude guy at school. That's not really me. And I just... want you to know that I'm not that self absorbed."

"Then... why do you act like that?"

He sighs and thinks about it for a second.

"I don't know. I guess it's like a... shield. Like, if I act like I'm perfectly happy with everything about myself people can't find my insecurities and use them against me... that sounds stupid... just forget it..."

"No, I get it. I mean, I think I do... I shut myself off from basically any new people for the same reason. I mean, I literally have two friends." We both laugh awkwardly.

"I guess we have more in common than we thought we did."

"I guess so." We both smile and I look down.

We stand there awkwardly for a few seconds.

"I should probably get home."

"Yeah! I'll just let my mom know you're leaving."

"I'll do it."

"Oh.. ok"

He goes to the living room to say bye to my family and walks with me to the front door. We both step onto the front porch and he turns to me.

"Well, thanks for the heart to heart, I guess." He says as he runs his hand through his hair.

"Right... uh, see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, tomorrow."

woo I updated! I really didn't feel like writing but here I am, you're welcome jojop1221

I had high expectations for this chapter and tbh I don't really like how it turned out, but I think it's okay. It's an important moment for the characters for sure.

also, I'm running out of planned chapters, so we are about to improv it
                                                              -m <3

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