6: "babies sliding down a waterslide"

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you will understand the header picture soon I promise
~•~Alex's POV~•~

Friday's are my favorite days. Not only because they are the last day of the week and the start of the weekend. But because Friday is the day of our football games.

This is the first football game with Elena as my "girlfriend." I text her a reminder during seventh hour.

me: don't forget about the game today. and I can't take you cause I have to go right after school.

Elena: you have a game today? wow I completely forgot after the 15 reminders you've sent me in the past 24 hours!

me: hey, I'm helping you get your money!

Two hours later, the game is about to start and I'm warming up on the field with my team. I look over to the bleachers to see if Elena has gotten there yet. She hasn't. For some reason I can't stop looking to see if she's here. I guess it's because if she doesn't come she breaks contract and I don't have to pay her. That's definitely the only reason why.

Right before we run out of the inflatable tiger's mouth, I see her. She's wearing light blue skinny jeans, white converse, and a school spirit tank top. I realize I've never seen her out of school uniform. Suddenly the announcer calls our team name and we run onto the field.


We won the game 126 - 91. When we get to the locker room, Coach says that we are going out for pizza, his treat, and we should invite our family and friends. I text a group chat with most of my friend group on it and invite them to come along.

"You inviting Elena?" Logan asks, putting a mocking tone on the "Elena."

"Oh...," I completely forgot about her," yeah, obviously."

I text Elena.

me: Come to get pizza with the team. Coach is paying

Elena: at 8pm?

me: we just played a whole game of football we are hungry! plus you don't have to eat just come and act like my girlfriend.

Elena: lol. ok fine. I'll meet you at your car. My mom dropped me off here so you're taking me home.

me: alright

I walk to my car and see Elena leaning on the side on her phone.

"You ready?" I ask as I walk up to her.


As drive to the restaurant, I turn on some music. Hot N Cold by Katy Perry? Perfect.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me," Elena starts to laugh, "Not again."

I start to sing.


"Terrible!! So bad!" Elena laughs.

I like it when she laughs.


When we get to the restaurant, I slide into the end of the round booth that my friends and some teammates are sitting at. They seem to be getting more used to Elena and it's only been a day. That's a good sign.

As we wait for our food, I feel like Elena and I need to look more like a couple. I reach under the table to where her hand is rested on her leg and lace my fingers through hers. At first she looks a little shocked, but then remembers that we are supposed to be dating and relaxes.

Her hand feels nice in mine.

While we wait for our food, I talk to my friends while Elena is on her phone. At one point, I decide to see what she's doing and look at her screen. What I see surprised me.

On her screen was a little baby thing in a swimsuit sliding headfirst down a water slide surrounded by other little baby things.

"What the hell?" I accidentally say a little too loud. Elena, along with everyone else at our table, looks up at me.

"What?" Logan asks as Elena starts to laugh when she realizes what I'm talking about.

"Uh, nothing," I say through laughing at Elena's giggles. Everyone at the table looks confused. "No, it's just, uh, something on Elena's phone."

"What's on her phone?" Jacob asks.

"Um... babies sliding down a waterslide?" When I say that, Elena and I lost it. We both starting cracking up laughing at how stupid that sounds while everyone else at our table looked extremely confused.

I wanna thank Aquapark.io for helping Alex and Elena share this  s p e c i a l  moment

not sponsored lol


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