Thunder and Rain

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Meilin was struggling to keep swinging Rollan away from the Great Beast's charge. She told herself, "C'mon, Meilin, you're strong enough. You can keep this up forever if this guy..." The guy had suddenly seemed to zone out as he grew a bit limp and dreamy-eyed. She muttered, "Great, and now he's probably given up since it's supposed to be his turn to drag me out of the way now." She felt the vibrations of the Ram's thunderous hoofbeats come closer as he charged, and she swung Rollan aside again. Suddenly, this guy seemed to wake up and he suddenly blurted, "I know a way off of here! If you're ever in danger, call me. I'm Rollan."

Meilin laughed, "You know a way off of here? Hah, ya right." She had learned his name whether she wanted to or not, and now he magically knew how to get out of this mess."

He whined, "Hey, my name's not that funny, is it? We just need a bit of time to put my plan into action."

Meilin frowned as she swung him aside for the third time, "Well, times' not something we have right now! And will this Ram ever run out of energy?" Before she could stop herself from being rude, she added, "And I don't need your help. I'm not some damsel in distress!" Meilin blamed herself for saying that, and felt a bit bad, but lamented, "My father is in this war, and he's my last, surviving relative! And this guy... this guy isn't even on our side."

Suddenly, a ferocious roar took away the sounds of battle and a bear appeared next to them. It was one of their Greencloaks' spirit animals! She shouted in surprise, "Barlow! How did you get away from the Ravens? Where are the others?"

Barlow, the burly man, replied, "No time, get out of here while I buy you some time. Don't let it be in vain! You're too young and vital to the plan to die. We won't have a chance in getting the other talismen if you don't make it, so go!" With that, he stopped the Ram's charge by grabbing him by its golden horns as his bear roared and helped push the Great Ram the other way too.

Before Meilin could even come up with a plan, it seemed that Rollan wasn't kidding about having his plan ready as he seemed to have found a way off the plateau though and dragged her off before she could even shout out in surprise. Arax the Ram suddenly gave a mighty heave and was dragging Barlow's spirit animal off to the side of the plateau where the fall would be treacherous! Meilin cried, "No!" With that, she summoned Jhi. "Jhi, go help them!" she ordered. Jhi stared at her with big, silver eyes. There was little hope in stopping the Ram's drive, but Jhi lumbered off to help as she mentally told Meilin, "Go with this guy or you're talents and need shall go to waste."

Rollan abruptly yelled, "Jump!" He shoved Meilin off the plateau and they slid down what seemed like a mile till they hit the back of a tree and groaned with pain. Essix had stopped them from hitting the tree so hard as she was clutching the edges of their garments with her talons and did not seem to be looking for gratitude this time as her beak was drawn seriously. She cawed and got them to get up as Rollan rubbed his head and broke into a small grin as Meilin scowled at his lousy plan.

Before Meilin could turn around to see whether the Great Ram was still following them, she was pulled away from the plateau by Rollan, this crazy guy who had somehow managed to find a way off of that steep place and slide away without having the oversized beast follow them. She barked at him as she attempted to swat him away like a fly, "Stop dragging me by my wrist, Rollan!"

He kept dragging her away though as he ran and ignored her struggles for freedom. He was quite quick for a normal kid, and he couldnt've gotten a land-related boost from an air-related spirit animal. Rollan suddenly realized that Meilin had used his name and pointed it out as he quickened his pace and had them duck through the brush, "Hey, you just used my name. Does that mean something special?" Meilin grumbled and bit her tongue, telling herself to be quiet, when a shadow crossed over them and she looked up. His spirit animal flew overhead and dived and swooped freely within the treetops as she cawed. His spirit animal was a large bird, and she had just noticed that it wasn't some ordinary bird; it was the Falcon. This boy seemed to be communicating with the bird for he was shouting things as the bird couldn't talk, but clicked her beak, so she must've been communicating with him mentally.

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