Ch. 6: History of Appleberry

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When I finally went in to second period, everyone's eyes were on me. "I'm sorry that I am late."
An older woman stuck her nose in the air. "Don't let it happen again."
Gwendolyn snickered. I went and took a seat with Bodhi, Jett, and Zeke. "Where was Gwendolyn in first period?"
Zeke was the first to speak. "Since she is the mayor's daughter and they just got back from vacation yesterday, I guess he thought they needed beauty sleep. Wrote her a note to skip class."
Bodhi rolled her eyes. "Of course, she gets away with everything. Even with Ms. Stone."
I leaned into the group. "Wait, who's Ms. Stone?"
They all looked at the front of the class. "The fossil standing before you."
I didn't mean to blurt it out, but it happened. "She's so old."
They all snickered. Zeke patted me on the back. "You are going to fit in easily around here."
"Thanks. I think." I gave him a puzzled look.
I looked over to where Gwendolyn was sitting. She was staring at me. Instead of her bubbly self, she had the vilest look on her face. It Was like looking at a whole different person.
We listened to the introduction of the History of Appleberry on tape. It was Ms. Stone on the tape. I didn't really understand why she didn't just give us a copy of notes or something. It was boring.
Instead of listening to it, I put in earphones and read the book before falling asleep. I was jolted awake with a light shove on the shoulder.
Jett chuckled. "Wake up. Ms. Stone finds you sleeping, you've had it."
I rubbed my face. I was so hungry. I was ready for lunch. I looked at the clock. Thank gosh. Only ten more minutes until lunch. Then we come back for Appleberry history.

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