Ch. 12: The Elders

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I sat straight up in bed. I was having a nightmare. Someone was after me and I couldn't get away fast enough. I was sweating so bad from the dream. It was like I was running.
I looked over at the clock. I had only been asleep for one hour. I looked over at Slade. He was fast asleep. I threw the covers back and got up. After a dream like that, I had to take a shower.
With hours on the road, the hot water felt so good rushing over me. I needed it. I stayed in longer than I usually do but it was much deserved.
When I got out and came out from the bathroom. Slade was sitting up reading a book. "Hey sleepy head."
He looked over at me and grinned. "Did the shower feel good?"
I got in bed beside him. "Gosh, yes. It was much needed."
"How much longer until we meet with the elders?" He leaned over and kissed my head.
I turned to meet his lips with mine. I kissed him for a bit a let go. "An hour and thirty minutes."
"Then I best be getting dressed." He got up and went over to his bag.
"Are you going to take a shower?" I got up.
He looked back at me. "Obviously. We all need to. I hope everyone is up and taking one as we speak."
I giggled. "I will go make sure."
I went to walk out of the room. "Wait."
I turned around. "What is it?"
He pulled me in for another kiss. "Now, go. I will take a shower and be down in a bit."
After the haze I was in. I walked out the door and went to check on the others. Zig and Ziv were ready. So were the girls. My dad however was still asleep.
I knocked on his door. "Dad, wake up."
I kept banging until he opened the door. "What in the world? There better be a fire."
"We have to go meet the elders. We leave in twenty minutes." I bugged my eyes out at him.
He rubbed his eyes. "Okay okay, I will be down in five minutes."
He shut the door on me and I went back downstairs. Everyone was gathered in the living area or was it the dean. This mansion had too many rooms for my liking.
I sat on the couch between the twins. "Dad said he would be down in a bit."
"So, where do these elders live anyways? How old are they?" Zig leaned forward putting his elbows on his knees.
Wren was sitting in one of the chairs cross ways. "Zeke said they live in the middle of no man's land and that they are really old but still look like they are in their early fifties and late forties."
I was bouncing my leg. I was so anxious about this whole thing. "I am sure they could kick our asses."
Dad popped up in the room. "Ready?"
We all got up without a word and left. I knew this was going to be one heavy meeting. I had a feeling they wouldn't care about what I had to say. Maybe I was wrong. I hope I was wrong.
"Where is this place exactly?" Slade was getting nervous.
I looked on the map Zeke had given me. He had put a mark on the map and made sure to write down the signs to look for. "We shouldn't be far. Maybe ten more minutes."
Slade looked over at me. "I don't think this is a good idea."
"It's the only idea we have. We must do this. I must do this." I looked straight ahead.
When I looked in front of us. I saw a huge castle. It wasn't like Jason's mansion. It was a legit castle. It was beautiful.
I looked back down at my map. Then back up. "Zeke said we wouldn't miss it."
Ziv and Zig had their heads between the seats looking at the castle. "I'd say."
We were all just standing there looking up at the castle. I had never seen a castle this up close before. "So, do all the elders live in this castle? Or do they have mansion and come here for meetings?"
Wren grunted. "They all live under one roof. At least that is what Jason said."
"Of course, they do. They have to be on top of everyone's business."
The door to the castle opened. "Good evening. Do please come in."
Of course, there was a butler. I'm sure there were five butlers and about seven maids. "Where are the elders?"
"Just follow me please. I will lead you to them." This butler had some serious attitude.
We followed him at a fast pass. I tried to admire the castle, but this guy was walking fast. Then he stopped, making us stop and bump into each other.
He opened the doors. There was a big dining room table that looked centuries old yet brand new. "Please sit. They will be in shortly."
We all sat on the right side of the table. "Do you think these guys are going to be in cloaks or nineteenth century clothing?"
I looked over at Ziv. "I'm sure they will be in clothing that is up to date. They maybe old but they must blend in. That is if, they go out."
Zig shook his head. "I don't think they go out. I think they just stay in. I mean why go out when they have this huge castle full of people to serve them."
One of the doors opened and three men in suits walked in and sat the opposite of us. Then a woman in a knock out dress came gracefully walking in and taking the seat at the head of the table.
We were all silent. You could hear a tiny needle drop. We all looked around at each other. Then to the elders. They were just sitting there glaring at us.
Finally, the woman at the head of the table cleared her throat. "So, how has the trip been from Oregon to Canada, Sloane?"
Really, we are finally here and that is all she starts the conversation off with. "It was fine, ma'am."
"Don't call me ma'am. Please do call me, Claudette. These gentlemen to my right are Jonathon, Richard, and James." She smiled at us.
I smiled back to be polite. "This is Slade, Ziv, Wren, Zig, Bodhi, Jett, and my dad Andrew."
"It is nice to meet you all. I am sure dinner will be out shortly." Claudette just kept smiling. It was like her face was glued into that same expression.
It was very quiet, and I just couldn't help myself. "Can we just get this over with? It's not like we need a dinner to talk about everything."
Everyone gasped. Claudette smiled politely. "We can certainly start the discussion."
I nodded. "Then, I first want to say that Slade and I being together is safe. We wouldn't mess up the balance of anything."
Claudette chuckled. It sounded mocking. "Sloane, it isn't about the balance of the fleets and covens. It is about power. You are aware of the power?"
"The power will be just fine. Nothing we couldn't handle." I felt Slade's leg hit mine.
"Darling, you really don't understand. You and Slade aren't allowed to have children. They would have too much power. It would simply be against the rules." Claudette had this snarky grin on her face.
I was getting madder by every word she spat out. "Against what rules? Are you afraid that if we had kids that you would be knocked off your pedal stool? I nor Slade are concerned with power. You on the other hand seem to have a lot of concern with it. We wouldn't raise our kids to be power hungry. That's if we have them. We haven't even reached that point."
James sat straighter in his chair. "Watch how you speak to her."
I shot a glare over to James. "Why? Because I'm telling the truth. Yes, we are half wolf and half witch. But that doesn't mean we want power. All we are asking is permission to be together without being killed."
James and I glared at one another. But Claudette spoke. "If that is all you're asking, then you shall have it. You are right, you two are not power hungry. You have no clue how long things will last and if they do or if you will have children. So, if you want to be together without being killed, then you shall have it."
James stood up. "This is absurd. This cannot happen."
Claudette shot a stern look. "Sit down. This is not up for discussion anymore."
James straightened his suit jacket and sat back down. Claudette cleared her voice. "Now, shall we eat. You are our guests and I will not allow you to leave with empty stomachs."
Richard chimed in. "How about they stay the night?"
James made an eye roll. Jonathon didn't say or do anything. "Yes, do stay the night? I would love that. You can leave after breakfast in the morning."
I looked down at everyone. They all shrugged. I turned back to face Claudette. "We will stay."
Claudette beamed. "Good, I will talk to the staff later and change up the menu and make sure they have you beds made up."
Just then like clockwork, dinner was brought out and sitting in front of us. The rest of the dinner was small talk and silent glancing around. To say the least, it was awful.
I kept my eyes on Claudette. There was something about her. There had to be a reason she was willing to let Slade and I be together and not be killed because of it. I just couldn't shake the feeling.
I was getting the feeling I was being stared at. I looked over and saw Jonathon looking at me. He gave a genuine smile. I smiled back. It was weird in a way, I guess.
After dinner, Claudette and the rest of the elders dismissed themselves. "You can follow the butler to the dean or explore. We will get the staff to get everything ready for your stay."
They disappeared out of the door they had walked through an hour or so before hand. The whole time I couldn't shake the feeling of thinking Claudette had something up her sleeve.

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