Ch. 22: Ripped Out Heart

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"Are you seriously with Phoenix?" Bowie was arguing back and forth with me. Everyone watching.
I sat there looking up at Bowie. "Yes. I am with him. Why is that so bad?"
"Because he is an Appleberry." Bowie was walking back and forth in front of me.
"I like him. He understands, he has helped me. He isn't cold and hot all the time." I glared at Bowie.
He stopped and stared at me. "Plus, it helps end the curse. I don't think it is a bad thing."
Zig and Ziv sat on either side of me. "Yeah, it breaks the curse. We can finally go back to how things used to be a trillion years ago."
Bowie and I both told them to shut it. "Tell him Jason, it's a good thing."
Jason was sat at his desk reading over papers while Bowie and I argued. He looked up at us. "She is right. It is a good thing. This is what we all wanted."
Then Jett spoke. "That was until Bowie fell for her. Right, Bowie?"
Bowie looked to his sister. "Stay out of it."
Ozzi stood up and got in front of his sister. "Don't talk to her like that Bowie. It is true. If you wouldn't have been so hot and cold, maybe you would have had a chance. You could have dated her before she bonded with Phoenix. But either way in the end, she was always going to end up with Phoenix."
Bowie gave both a death glare. "Screw you both. Screw all of you."
Bowie grabbed his jacket and headed out. I jumped up going after him. "Bowie."
He wouldn't stop. He got on his motorcycle and sped off. The twins were behind me. "Let him go. He will come back."
I turned around and walked back into the study. I looked at Jett. "Do you think he will come back?"
"I don't know. He has never been this upset before. There is honestly no telling what he will do." Jett sat down beside Bodhi.
Bodhi held her. I knew Jett was upset. Even though they were just half-brother and sister and he was an ass. She still loved him.
I sat there looking at everyone. They were all good with Phoenix and me. I was afraid of what Bowie would do. I felt it in my bones like he would do something stupid.
"I have to go look for him. Ziv, Zig, are you coming with me?" I looked to my left and then to my right.
They shook their heads. "We have to find him before he does something stupid."
We hopped in my truck and left. I didn't care what the others were thinking. I had to find Bowie. Even if he was upset that he wasn't with me. He was still part of the fleet and my friend.
"Do you guys know where he would have gone?" I looked at the twins.
They both shrugged. "You two are a real help. I brought you along, so we could find him. Not shoulder shrugs."
Ziv snickered but it was Zig that talked. "He probably went to Ashby beach."
"What is it with everyone going to Ashby beach when things happen, or they need to think?" I looked back towards the road.
"Probably because that is the stomping grounds of the covens. It is where they do all the rituals. It has water, earth, wind, and fire. It keeps us connected." Ziv answered.
I drove as fast as I could to Ashby beach. I hoped Bowie was okay. I didn't want him to feel alone or left out.
"Sloane if you don't slow down, we are going to wreck and then we won't be able to find him." Zig patted my arm.
I rolled my eyes. I slowed down just a bit. When I came to the beach. I didn't see his motorcycle. "Well, he doesn't seem to be here."
"Let's just go down and check." Zig and Ziv got out of the truck.
I followed them down to the beach. So far, I saw no sign of Bowie. Not even with the wolf night vision I had gained since transforming.
I turned on all my wolf senses. I couldn't hear him, smell him, or see him. Then something happened. I along with the twins were in excruciating pain. I fell to my knees. It was like a thousand fires going through my body. With tears pouring out of my eyes, all I could do is scream. I had never felt so much pain in my life.
Not even when my mother died. The pain and hurt I felt never felt like this. It was like a piece of my heart was ripped out. It lasted for what seemed like an eternity.
When the agonizing pain stopped, I was laying on the sand. I slowly looked around Ziv was helping Zig up. Once they were up, they ran over to me. They tired helping me up, but I waved them away.
I sat up in the sand. "What the hell just happened?"
"Come on, we need to get you to Jason." They helped me up and hurried me to the truck.
I had no clue what was going on and I couldn't ask because I was in and out of it. I was sweating and felt cold. But all I could hear was Ziv telling Zig I was burning up.

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