Ch. 6: New Student

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Even though things were going on with the fleet, covens, and the guardians. We still had school to attend. I was ready to be out of there.
"So, did you hear? We have a new student." Bodhi leaned over and whispered.
I was leaned back in the desk, arms folded across my chest. "Just what Appleberry needs."
I knew I snapped. I had been snapping at everyone since Phoenix and I got into the fight Saturday. "Sloane, are you okay? If there is anything you need, we are all here for you."
"I know. I am sorry I have been snapping on everyone. Phoenix won't talk to me at all. Slade has kept his distance. I'm just tired of it." I ran my hand through my hair.
I had been distracted all weekend. I wanted to know what would happen with Phoenix and I. I wanted to know what was going on with Slade and I. I wanted them to just get along. Slade was my best friend now. Phoenix was my boyfriend.
"Students, we have a new student with us today. Wren Roslyn." Mr. Kal waved towards the new girl.
He looked to Wren. "Ms. Roslyn, take a seat in the back by Bodhi. Bodhi raise your hand."
Bodhi done what she was told. Wren walked over and sat by her. Bodhi and Wren smiled at one another. Jett looked back catching it. She didn't look happy about it.
I kicked Bodhi's shin. "Ow."
She glared at me. "What was that for?"
I shook my head. "Nothing. Just keep the smiling to a minimum."
"What are you talking about?" She leaned over.
"I think the new girl has eyes on you. Jett doesn't like that. She caught the whole thing." I whispered.
Bodhi sighed. "Okay, I will talk to Jett. I was just trying to be nice."
I looked over to Jett who was trying to start a fire with her mind. Then I looked at Wren. She was staring at Bodhi.
"You may have been. But I believe Wren is into you." I sat back in my seat.
Mr. Kal looked at us. He nervously smiled. We hadn't talked since the day in the truck. I couldn't remember if we saw each other at the party before I left for a couple of months. Why did small towns bring in so much drama?
The day had been the same as always. Classes then lunch then more classes. My last class was study hall. Which was also Mr. Kal's class. Lucky me.
I walked in and sat down in the back close to the door. That way if I needed an escape, I could take it. Zig and Ziv were sitting beside me goofing off. Then in walked in Wren.
She came in and sat down right in front of me. She sat there for a few seconds and turned around. "Hey."
I crossed my arms. "Hey."
"I take it, people around here don't like new comers." She smiled.
"Some of them don't. Others really don't care." I didn't know how to really feel about her yet.
She frowned then smiled again. "So, Bodhi, is she with anyone?"
I leaned up laying my arms on the desk top. "Don't even think about it. Bodhi and Jett have been together for a long time. If you mess with that, I will personally kick your ass."
Wren put her hands up in defense. "My bad. I was just wondering."
I leaned back in my desk. "Well, wonder no more."
Wren chuckled. "What about you? Are you available?"
"Really?" I rolled my eyes and got up walking out.
I walked out the classroom. I could feel Zig and Ziv's glares on my back as I walked out. Who does that? Ask about my best friend and then me.
"Sloane." Mr. Kal was stern.
I turned around. "What?"
He walked up to me. "Is everything okay?"
"Yep." I crossed my arms.
"Sloane, talk to me. I know about the fight between you and Phoenix." He stood there, his hands in his pockets.
I cleared my throat. "He shouldn't have told you about that."
"Maybe not. But he is just worried. He loves you and he doesn't want to lose you." Mr. Kal shrugged.
"Yeah but he could go on without me. I know he is scared. I am scared of how I am feeling. I love Phoenix. But I also love Slade." I threw my hands in the air not knowing what to do.
Mr. Kal shrugged. "You have to do what is right for you Sloane. It is okay if you want who you want. Phoenix will be okay. But Slade, I've known him for a while. We graduated together, even though he is younger. He was smart like Zeke. I know that he wouldn't be okay. Losing you would destroy him."
"Why do you even care so much?" I need Mr. Kal to just leave.
Mr. Kal shrugged. "Because you broke the curse. You fell for my brother. He fell for you. But it doesn't mean you have to stay together forever. You are teenagers, teens love but it's not always a marry your high school sweetheart kind of thing."
"I just don't want to hurt anyone." I turned and left.
I needed to talk to Phoenix. I also needed to talk to Slade. But I just wanted to be left alone. I got in my truck and left. I knew Frankie would end up riding with Zeke anyways, so I didn't have to worry about giving her a ride. So, leaving was okay.
I drove around until I ended up at the beach. It was cold. But the smell of the water mixed with the snow, smelt fresh. I went and sat on one of the wood logs.
I looked out over the water. It was calm today. The waves moved like silk. I was becoming too sad. I thought I knew everything. Then I get to Appleberry and my world is suddenly turned upside down. I'm a witch that belongs to the Ashby coven, I am a wolf which makes me part of the fleet. The head of the fleet if I wanted to get technical. Then there was my love life. It was complicated. I didn't want to hurt anyone. Maybe if I stayed away from both, it would be okay.
I had sat there so long, I hadn't noticed it was starting to get dark. I just kept staring at the water. Why was all this messing with my head? Why could Franks deal with it and I am a mess?
When I came home, I could see dad, Grace, Bodhi, Frankie, and Slade all in the living room. They were all laughing and smiling. I was happy they were happy. I went around to my window and climbed up the rope ladder. I didn't have it in me to see them right now.
As I landed on the floor ungracefully as I always do. I was laid out on the floor staring over at a sock under the bed. A lonely sock. It looked sad being there even if it didn't have feelings.
"You just going to lay on the floor like that all night?" I rolled over onto my back and looked at the figure in my doorway.
It was Slade. "Maybe. I haven't given it much thought."
He went and sat at the end of my bed on the floor. "Is it comfortable?"
I looked away from him to the ceiling. "Yes, it is fantastic."
He chuckled. "Why so gloom Sloane?"
A tear escaped my eye. "We can't be friends."
I sat up and leaned against the wall under the window. Slade was just staring at me. "Did you hear me?"
"Yes, I heard you Sloane. But why?" He was gutted.
"I can't be your friend and date Phoenix at the same time. He hasn't talked to me in days." I could feel the tears pricking my eyes.
Slade got up off the floor. "Screw him Sloane. It doesn't matter what he feels or thinks about me. It doesn't matter how anyone feels. It is your feelings, if you want to be my friend then it shouldn't matter. We are best friends. I don't want to lose that."
I saw tears going from his eyes. It was hurting me to see him cry. I got up and ran over to him. I hugged him close. I held on so tight, not wanting either one of us to float away from each other.
"He knows Slade. He knows how you feel. He knows how I feel. He is mad at me." I was crying into his gray sweater.
"Let him be mad. You do what you want Sloane." Slade hugged onto to me like he was afraid I would run.
I dried my tears and let go of him. "I have to go. I need to take care of something. Just stay right here."
He let go of me. "I'm not going anywhere."
I rushed out the room and down the stairs. I ran passed the living room and to the truck. I had to talk to Phoenix. I know it is going to be hard. But I didn't want things to be like they were.
I sat out in front of the Appleberry house for about fifteen minutes until Kal pulled up in his luxurious car. I got out when he did.
I awkwardly waved. "Hey."
"Sloane, is everything okay?" He locked his car.
I had no clue why he locked his car. No one would dare steal an Appleberry's car or an Appleberry's anything. "I need to talk to Phoenix."
"Oh, talk. Well, he is in there. Just go in." He started walking to the door.
"But what if he doesn't want to talk to me." I followed behind him.
Before I knew it, we were standing in the foyer. "Just talk to him Sloane. Give him a bit more credit. He isn't a monster. Now, my sister, that's a different story."
"Thanks." I ran upstairs to Phoenix's room.
Once I was at the door. I didn't know to knock or just go right in. When I put my fist up to knock the door opened.
"Um, hi." I put my fist down.
"Go away." Phoenix was fixing to close the door.
I grabbed it. "Please, can we talk?"
"What is there even to say? I know how it's going to be." Phoenix sighed.
I took his hand and dragged him into his room and sat him down on the bed. "I know you know."
I sat beside him. "I have feelings for Slade. But I did fall for you. I just didn't know what to do. I didn't want to hurt anyone."
"Well I'm sorry, you did hurt people. At least me." Phoenix looked over at me.
I looked down at my hands. "I hurt all of us. I am sorry I hurt you."
He gave an honest smile. "I get it. We fell for each other in a moment and broke the curse. Then you fell for Slade, genuinely."
"Phoenix, I fell for you genuinely too. I do love you. It just isn't in the same way. You helped me with so much. You were there. I don't know what is wrong with me." I put my head in my hands.
He chuckled. "There is nothing wrong with you. People can't help how they feel. It just happens. Yes it hurts me now but I'll get over it. I don't think Slade would."
"You don't hate me." I looked back to him.
"No." He nudged me. "Just watch out for my sister. She may try to start something."
"She has hated me since I came into this town." I giggled.
"Gwendolyn, she doesn't like a lot of people. She thinks too much about the past." Phoenix shrugged getting up off his bed.
He was standing in front of me. "You think she will do something?"
"Maybe. If you are going to be with Slade. That means fresh meat for anyone. They can go to the elders. They will be after you two more than they were even thinking about being after us." He went over to sit in his desk chair.
I got up. "I know it is risky. But I want Slade."
I wasn't about to tell Phoenix that I felt safe with Slade. That I felt more alive with him. That I felt like we could do anything. Over the a month he had been here, we were always together. I don't think I could get anywhere or do anything without him.
"It is going to be okay Sloane. You have your fleet. The coven and the guardians. You've got me and my brother too." He sat back in his chair.
"Really, you have my back in all this? You don't have to." I bit my lip.
He got up, coming over to me. He put his hands on either side of my shoulders. "I'll always have your back. We bonded remember. That isn't something that can be broken. Not even if you are in love with Slade. I am a part of your coven."
"What about your coven? Your family?" I was tearing up.
"My family knows how love can be. They aren't people to hold grudges. They will want to help in any way they can." Phoenix smiled.
I nodded putting a piece of hair behind my ear. "Alright, that is good. I am going to leave now. I have to get ready for school tomorrow."
I turned around to leave, only to turn back around again. "Oh, didn't you know that there was a new girl in school. Her name is Wren Roslyn."
"Wait, Wren is here?" Phoenix's eyebrows raised in surprise.
I stood in the middle of the door frame. "So, you know her?"
"Wren and I used to hang out when we went over to Germany on vacation. She and her family are old friends. She was my best friend for a long time and we kind of lost touch for a few years. She became a rebel. Woman with a cause. She is also into chicks." He chuckled.
"I know, she asked about Bodhi and then hit on me." I rolled my eyes.
Phoenix laughed. "Of course, she did. She reminds me of a guy sometimes."
"Well, it was rude to ask about Bodhi for a couple of reasons. One, she has a girlfriend. Second, you don't ask about someone then turn around and ask about the one who knows about the one they are asking about." I put my hands on my hips.
Phoenix doubled over laughing. "Wow. I see she has already made a great impression. I'll see you at school tomorrow."
"Later." I waved and went downstairs.

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