Ch. 21: New Elders

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It had been a month of rest and going back to school. I still was trying to get over the fact I ripped out someone's heart. I knew Claudette was bad. But it didn't mean I didn't feel bad about it.
Mr. Kal kneeled by my desk. "Sloane, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I guess so. I just need to talk to Jason and my dad later. Maybe even Jonathon."
Mr. Kal patted my hand. "That sounds good. You still feeling bad?"
"Obviously." I sighed.
"It will be okay. I promise."
"Thanks, Mr. Kal."
We all went to Jason's after school. There was much to be discussed. I was dreading talking about anything.
Once I walked into the study, I waved the men over. "Jason, dad, and Jonathon, come with me."
They followed me into the backyard. I stopped and turned around to look at them. They stood there with wondering expressions.
"How do I get over it?"
They all three looked at one another and back to me.
Jonathon stepped forward. "I know it hurts. I know there is guilt. But it'll get better. You protected your clan."
Dad shrugged. "There is always potions and spells to help."
I shook my head. "No, that isn't right or fair. It wouldn't make me human to just have something to make me forget."
Dad came over pulling me into a hug. "Then we get through it together."
I took a deep breath. Tears rolling down my cheek. "Thank you."
I went in and up to the room I had been staying in. I laid on the bed, but I couldn't get comfortable. It wasn't home. As much as Jason felt like family, it wasn't my bed.
I snuck out the window and got in my truck and left. I had to be home. I needed it.
Once I was pulled up in front of my house, I started crying. I dried my tears and went to the rope ladder and climbed through my window. My bed was still made up. I went passed it and went towards the attic.
The attic smelled good. It smelt like safety. I could feel the protection spell on the attic. On the house even. I sat on the couch and picked up a photo album.
Looking through it, there was so many smiling faces. People from my grandmother's clan and the little ones who were now my clan.
"I thought I'd find you here." I looked up finding Frankie.
I half smiled. "What are you doing here?"
"I went up to your room at Jason's and you weren't there. So, this was the place that first came to me. It's home."
Frankie came and sat by me on the velvet couch. "You're still not over the fight. I'm here for you."
"I know you are Franks. I'm grateful for that. I also got a lot on my mind about the elder ceremony." I put my head on Frankie's shoulder.
"You know you are ready for this Sloane. We all know you are."
I sighed. "Yeah, I guess so."
"Just think, you get to change the rules. You can make things better for everyone."
"Frankie, you are right."
She bumped me to sit up. "So, who are you going to pick as your other elders anyway?"
"You'll find out soon enough little sister."
That night Frankie and I slept in the attic. It was the best sleep I'd got in months. It was peaceful.
I woke up with Frankie's head in my lap. She was sleeping peacefully. That was until my phone rang.
Dad was on the other line. "You and Frankie okay?"
"Yeah, we stayed at our house in the attic."
"I kind of guessed. You two need to get up. Today is the day."
"Yes, I know. We will be there soon."
I hung up and Franks got up. "I'm hitting the shower."
"Hurry, we have to be at Jason's for the elder ceremony."
She nodded and took off. I stayed up in the attic until Frank's came up and told me it was my turn to shower. I showered fast and got ready.
She came running into my room. "What's wrong?"
"Is this dress okay?"
"Really, you screamed at me for that?" She sat on my bed.
I shrugged. "I'm sorry."
"Why don't you wear the pretty blue one?"
"Okay, you can go down now. I'll be down soon."
I was careful to walk down the stairs in my heels. "How in the world am I going to drive in these?"
Frankie chuckled. "You will manage. It will be okay."
We walked into the study and everyone looked up. The twins whistled.
"I'll kill you two." I sat on the couch my arms crossed.
Jett sat beside me. "Don't like dresses or heels, do you?"
"Not at all."
Jonathon came over. "We will start eating at seven and when the clock strikes twelve the ceremony will begin. We will go up into the woods at the spring. Then come back down to celebrate."
Jett got up and went over to Bodhi. She kissed her sweetly. Jonathon was sweet on Ozzi. Zeke was even holding onto Franks. Seems like every couple was lovey dovey. Where was Slade?
I got up and went to the window. I looked out over the backyard. The sun was shining just right. It was beautiful.
Arms went around my waist. "Is that my beautiful girlfriend?"
I smiled. "Yes, it is your girlfriend. But beautiful, I'm not too sure about that."
I turned around in his arms. "Sloane, you are beautiful. Gorgeous. Learn to take a compliment."
I kissed him. "I'll try."
"You ready for the elder's ceremony?"
I put my arms around his neck. "Not really. I know it means I can do good. But it makes me nervous."
"You'll be an amazing elder. You are a great leader. It'll be okay." Slade kissed my forehead.
The feast was going amazing. Everyone was laughing and talking. I couldn't help to feel proud. It was my family. They were my clan. The people I love.
It wasn't only just my family and friends. There was other covens and fleets. Along with guardians of those coven and fleets. They all wanted me to become the head of the elders. I was proud of myself that they wanted me to lead.
It was five minutes until twelve. Then the ceremony would begin. I was ready.
Jonathon came over and held out his hand. "Are you ready?"
I took his hand. "Yes."
The spring was beautiful. There were lights dangling from the tress and within the trees. Candles were lit and placed everywhere. There were gorgeous white flowers placed around. Dreamingly gorgeous.
For the ceremony, I was to say some words. Then cut my palm and let it drip on a mix of soil and water. Then fire with Jonathon waving a feather for air. Then I'd smear the blood on my hand and place it on a paper. After I would sign my name to the long line of names that came before me.
"Sloane, you are responsible for all the covens, fleets, and guardians. Will you up hold every aspect of being an elder?"
"Yes, I do."
"Then say what you'd like and cut your palm."
I looked out over all the faces that were believing in me to lead them.
"I know I'm young. I have much to learn. But with every fiber of my being, I will protect and serve the best I know how. With that said, before I finish my ceremony, I'd like to call on the ones I want by my side. The other elders."
I took a deep breath, trying not to cry. "Frankie, Ziv, Zig, Zeke, Slade, Bodhi, Jett, Wren, Phoenix, and Ozzi. Will you come up here, please?"
They looked stunned but came up. I took Frankie's hand and it went like dominos.
"These amazing people will be my elders. But I won't leave out the people who will be helping us along the way. My dad, Jason, Jonathon, Grace, and the Appleberry's. They will be our guides. I want to be an elder everyone can look up to and respect. I want to take care of my people. With that said, Jonathon, the knife."
I cut my palm and let the blood hit the soil and water and then the fire. I smeared my hand with the blood and laid it on the paper, then signed my name. Everyone clapped and cheered. I was full of joy.
After the ceremony, everyone went back to partying. I sat there looking at all my people, they were all happy. So, was I.
Jonathon sat down beside me. "You made a great choice with your elders."
"Thank you."
There was silence between us. Until a thought crossed my mind.
"This doesn't mean I have to go live in that castle, does it?"
Jonathon laughed. "No, you can live any where you like."
"Good. Then I'm staying here. It's home."
"That sounds splendid."
"I want you to stay here too."
"I will. You're my elder. I have to follow what you want."
"It's not just that. You are family. I want you here for that."
Jonathon smiled. "Thank you, Sloane."
"For what?"
"All of this. Everything."
"It's no problem."
A throat cleared. "May I cut in?"
I looked at Slade. "We aren't dancing."
"But you should be. May I have this dance?" He held his hand out.
"Yes, you may."
Slade and I were dancing close. It felt so good being with him. Being able to love him and not have to worry if someone would destroy that love.
"You make such a beautiful elder." He kissed the side of my head.
"Thank you. You're not so bad yourself."
"We can change so much now. Our love can be out and open."
"I know. Anyone can love whoever they want."
"Even human?"
"As long as they can keep a secret. If not, off with their head."
Slade laughed. "Bit dramatic."
"Eh, I guess so."
I laid my head on his shoulder. "We fought for love Slade."
"And love won Sloane."

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