Ch. 23: Broken Fleet

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The twins carried me with each arm on their shoulders. I could barely walk. The pain I was in now was just about as bad as the pain before. I blinked and saw Jason. He hurried to me.
"Take her upstairs. Bodhi, call your mom. Frankie, call your dad." I could hear his footsteps behind us.
I was in and out of it. One minute I saw Jett helping me out of my clothes. The next moment, I saw my dad and Grace in the room. Then it all went black.
My eyes fluttered open. I was in a gray room that smelt sterile. I knew I wasn't in a hospital room. So, where was I?
I tried to gather as much spit as I could in my mouth to talk. "Hello."
I cleared my throat. "Hello."
Jett came running in. "Guys, she is awake."
Everyone came running in. I tried sitting up, but Jason made me lay back down. "Oh, no you don't. You need to rest."
"What happened? How long was I out?" I felt dizzy.
Jett had tears in her eyes. "Bowie, he broke the fleet. He cut off his tattoo. It binds us and cutting it off is the only way to get rid of it."
Ozzi came into view. "Yeah, we found him a couple of days ago, he cut it off."
"Wait, couple of days ago. How long have I been out?" I put my hand to my head. I thought it was going to bust.
Jason was checking my vitals. "You've been out for a week."
"A week. I need to go. School, Phoenix." I tried getting up.
"I'm here, Sloane." Phoenix came over and kneeled by the bed.
"Where's my dad and Frankie?" I looked from him to the others.
"We are here." Frankie came up at the end of the bed with dad.
I looked around at everyone. "Can I sit up now?"
Jason nodded and helped me. I winced, my body still hurt. "What the hell happened? One minute I am in unbearable pain the next I am waking up a week from when it happened."
No one was answering me, so I looked to Frankie. She sighed. "Okay, everyone out. I will tell her about everything. But everyone needs to go."
They all nodded and left. Frankie came over and sat by me. "I am so glad you are okay."
"I'm glad you care. Now, stop stalling." I wanted to know why I was in such pain.
"When one of the fleet cuts their tattoo off, the alpha suffers more than any of us. So, when Bowie cut his off, it was a literal stab to the heart. It got all of us. But you suffered more because you are the head of the fleet and he followed you." Frankie grabbed my hand to comfort me.
Tears burned my eyes. "It was the worst pain I had ever felt. Like a piece of my heart was ripped out. Why did he do it?"
"He was heartbroken. You chose Phoenix and not him. He didn't want to be a part of us, of you." Frankie's head hung.
"That doesn't mean he breaks his promise to the fleet. He is a coward. I didn't choose Phoenix. It just happened. There was a bond. I felt it. I can't help that. People should be happy. That's how everyone wanted it. That's how I wanted it." I couldn't help but let the tears stream down my face.
Frankie scooted closer and hugged me. "Hey, it is okay. We did want this. Bowie is just jealous. It was wrong what he done. But he done it. We just have to get through it."
"Just leave me Franks. I need to be alone. Please." I turned my head, so I didn't have to look at her.
She went to the door. "Do you want to see anyone else?"
"No." Without another word, Frankie left.

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