Ch. 9: Planning on Meeting the Elders

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When I told Wren about meeting the elders, she went nuts. She was pacing back and forth. She thought I was crazy for wanting to meet with them. I wanted to leave as soon as I said it. But she wanted to meet with Jason and everyone else before deciding to go see the elders.
It wasn't every day that someone wanted to meet the elders of the covens, fleet, and guardians all at once. But I did. I had to. I had to make sure they knew that Slade and I were in no way a threat.
Slade was still in the hospital. It had only been two days. I would have visited him today. But Wren said that we couldn't put off meeting with Jason and everyone. Just so I wouldn't run, Wren drove us to the Alderman's.
"Look we don't have to talk to everyone. We can just go to the elders. I will talk to them and everything will be okay. They will have to understand." I was looking from Wren to the road and back to her.
I really didn't want to have this discussion with them. They would try to talk me out of it. "Sloane, we are going. I told them we would be there, and we are already late. Because I had to basically drag you out of your house."
"Fine. But I am telling you they won't go for it." I crossed my arms and sat back sulking.
When we got to the Alderman's, the twins busted out the door. They threw their arms around me and gave me bear hugs. Didn't matter if I had seen them five minutes ago or five days ago, there was always a bear hug from them.
After the bear hug, I walked on in. I wanted to get this over with. It shouldn't take that long to argue. Or maybe it would take all night or week.
I sat down on the couch. Everyone was sitting around me. Their eyes were on me. Attention was being paid.
Dad talked. "So, what is with the meeting?"
I didn't say anything. Wren elbowed me in the ribs. "Ouch."
She waved her hands for me to talk. I sighed and sat up straight. "Alright, it is about the elders."
I had the parents and grandparent's attention. "What about the elders?"
"I want to meet with them. All of them, at once." I let out a breath.
They all just stared at me. Then Zeke spoke. "Are you crazy? Nuts? Insane? You can't do that. They will eat you alive."
Jason stood up going to the bar and getting him a drink. "I think she should."
Everyone turned their heads towards him. Zeke looked like he would faint. "Grandfather, you can't just let her go. She can't. They won't allow it."
I was getting mad the more Zeke talked. "Seriously, shut up Zeke. I want to do this. They are the ones sending people out to kill Slade and me. I must take care of it. If I must do it alone, I will."
"Sloane, watch it." Dad's tone was serious.
I looked to him. "Really, I could kill Zeke. I have nothing to watch. I'm going. I don't care who likes it."
"What if I don't like it?" Our heads shot to the study door.
There stood Slade. His arm in a cast and the bruises turning color. "I don't care if you don't. Something has to be done."
I walked over to him. "I don't want you to get hurt or worse."
"What like have a motorcycle wreck?" Slade tried to chuckle. "
Slade, I need to do this. Or they won't stop." I stood so close, I could feel the heat radiating off him.
He looked down at me. "You sure this is something you just have to do?"
"Yes. More than anything." I gently grabbed him by the waist.
He smirked and shook his head. "Okay. Then we will go. If you go, I go."
"As do we." The twins said behind me.
"Me too." Wren chimed in.
I turned around. "Anyone else?"
Bodhi raised her hand. "Me. I will go. You are my best friend."
"If Bodhi is going, then I am too." Jett nodded.
"Okay, we will leave in the morning." I smiled at them.
I was happy they were willing to go through whatever was about to come our way with me. Everyone was going to stay at Jason's tonight. Go over what we needed and more. I was ready to get on the road.
I walked up to Jason who had his nose in a book. "You really think this is okay?"
"Yes, it might help." He didn't look up from his book.
"If it doesn't help?" I sat in the chair in front of his desk.
He looked up at me and smiled. "Then we will figure it out. You have your coven and fleet behind you Sloane. Though some may not like it, they will be there. You are the leader."
"I know I should be happy they will be behind me. But I don't want them getting hurt. They are amazing. When we came back, everything got turned upside down and they have just gone with it." I leaned back in the chair.
Jason gave me a grin. "It's going to be okay. You really need to talk to your dad though and maybe your sister. I know they are worried and just want the best for you."
"I will talk to them." I got up to find dad first. I want to save Franks for last.
I wondered around the big house until I saw dad in the back yard cutting firewood. I put on my jacket and went out. "I see you are making yourself busy."
Dad stopped what he was doing and looked at me. "I just saw their pile getting low. Figured I could do something to help."
Dad took a few pieces and threw them in the barrel. "I am sorry I'm so much trouble."
Dad stopped and looked at me. "Sloane, you aren't a trouble. Trouble just follows you. It used to follow me all the time. I'm not mad or angry with you. Or upset. You want to try and do what is right. I respect that."
"I just want to make things right. They shouldn't have to hunt us down because we are different. No one should have to be treated bad or worse because they are different. It's not right." I started to tear up.
Dad came over to give me a tight hug. "Sloane, it's going to be okay. If not, we will figure it out. You have everyone's support."
I chuckled. "That's what Jason said."
Dad laughed and went back to chopping wood. "Wise man he is."
"Very Yoda you are." I shook my head.
I stood there in silence as dad chopped wood. "Do you know where Frankie is?"
"She should be up Zeke's butt. If not, try talking to Jett." I nodded and went back inside.
I didn't see Frankie with Zeke, so I went to Jett. "Woman."
Jett looked up and smiled. "Hello dear, what do you need?"
"Have you seen Frankie?" I was standing beside her and looking at what she was reading.
"Yes, I'm reading a love novel." She shut the book.
I smiled. "Who knew Jett was a romantic?"
She rolled her eyes. "I try to be nice and this is what it gets me. Try the art room upstairs. You shouldn't miss it. Because it says art room on the plaque by the door."
"Of course, there is a plaque." I turned to walk away. "You should be nice more often. It looks good on you Jett." 
I heard her blow air as I left the room. I quietly made my way upstairs. It was a three-story house. Too bad they didn't have an elevator. It would have been convenient by now.
I finally found the art room. I opened the door to find Frankie sitting there drawing. She was in her element. She loved drawing like I loved reading and music.
"May I sit?" Frankie looked up at me.
She shrugged. "I guess so."
I sat beside her at the table. "You mad at me?"
She didn't say anything. "Franks, I'm sorry. I know I needed to talk to you about all this. Even more than all this. I left and was an asshole. I am sorry."
She laughed. "Sloane, I'm your sister. I'm not mad at you. I am just worried. I want my sister in one piece. Every time you go out, I feel like it will be the last time I see you. Now, you want to go and confront the elders."
"I just want to talk to them and tell them that they have nothing to fear with Slade and me being together. If anything, they should be more worried about Gwendolyn. That red head is mean and vengeful." We both laughed.
Franks put down her pen. "How is Gwendolyn taking it? The fact you broke her brother's heart."
"She doesn't like it. She hates me. I'm sure her and Bowie will be conjuring up something. They are probably even working for the elders." I shrugged.
"This is not a shrugging situation. You need to be careful. Gwendolyn is evil, I don't trust her." Frankie got up and went to the window.
I watched her look out the window. "Why don't you trust her? I mean I know how she is. But is there something else?"
Frankie looked at me. "She is planning something. I don't know if it is on her own or if it's with the elders. But it is something bad. I just feel it."
"I will talk to Phoenix. He lives with her. He must know something. Him or Kal." I took the pen and started doodling. I wasn't as good as my sister, but I could do cartoon things.
Frankie came back over and sat down. "Leave my thing alone and who is Kal?"
"Oh, Mr. Kal from school. He is an Appleberry." I bit my lip.
She was drawing again. "You call him by his actual name?"
"Yeah, only outside of school." I shrugged.
"Okay. Well, talk to them. But wait until you get back." She looked at me and smiled.
I hugged her. "I will. I am going to go to bed. We are leaving early in the morning."
Franks kissed my cheek. "Okay, goodnight."
As soon as I found my room, I plopped down on the bed. I laid there staring at the ceiling. I was ready for tomorrow. We were getting up at four in the morning just to head into Canada to speak to the elders.
"Knock knock." I looked over and saw Slade.
I sat up and smiled at him. "Get over here."
He came over and sat down. I ran my hand through his hair and over his face. "How are you?"
He leaned into my touch. "I'm better now. All I need was a dose of Sloane."
I giggled. "Joking even in the shape you are in."
"I stay true to who I am. How are you?" He kissed my palm.
"Now that you are here, I am better. I was terrified you were worse than you are." I kissed his cheek.
He hung his head. "I didn't know where that branch came from. It just fell."
"The elders have people after us. But tomorrow when we leave to go see them, hopefully it will work out in our favor." I held onto his hand.
"I don't want to lose you Sloane." Slade looked at me right in the eyes.
I held onto his face. "I don't want to lose you either and we won't. We will get through this together and with the help from our friends and family."
He grinned. "I'm all in."
I kissed him. "Me too."

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