Ch. 26: Getting Ready

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It was Saturday. The day of the Halloween party at the Appleberry's. The rest of the week, all of us had gotten our costumes together. Even though we knew it was a serious matter, we also had fun.
Jett and Bodhi decided to dress up as a prince and princess. Jett being the prince and Bodhi being the princess. Ozzi was going as King Arthur. The twins, they were all for dressing up as knights. There was an ongoing theme. Zeke and Franks were going as the Phantom of the Opera and his love interest Christine Daae'. Phoenix and I were going as Dorian Gray and Sibyl Vane.
We were all excited about the party, but we knew we had work to do. We had to protect the fleet. Protect everyone. We had to figure out why Gwendolyn and Bowie were together and if they were cooking up drama. Or was it just some coincidence.
"Hey dad, where are you?" I was working on Frankie's hair.
He came into my room. "What? I am trying to get ready myself. Bodhi and her mom are coming over to get ready here."
"I need you to get the rollers out of Frankie's bathroom and when Bodhi gets here just tell her to come up. I am sure I'll need her help anyways." Frankie was putting on some makeup while she waited on me. 
I looked at Franks in the mirror. "Are you doing okay Frankie?"
She stopped doing what she was doing. "What do you mean?"
"I know a lot has happened. A lot has happened with me. Seems like attention is always on me, which is something I don't like. So, are you okay?" I put my hands on her shoulders.
Frankie was frowning. "I am okay. It has been a lot to take on. I know it all lays on you to keep things together."
I gave her a sincere smile. "Franks, it's okay to not be okay. I'm here for you. I may be a witch, an alpha. But I will always be your sister first. Us against the world."
Tears fell down her face. "I love you Sloane. It is us against the world. With a little help from friends. I know how things are. I am okay, I promise."
I hugged her. "I love you too Franks. Now, let's get you all dolled up for your boyfriend."
She smiled. Bodhi came skipping into the room. "Hello ladies."
"Hey Bodhi, you ready for the Halloween party?" I was pinning Franks hair up.
She started jumping on my bed. "You mean all hollows' eve."
"Which ever, are you ready woman?" Franks was trying to hold back giggling.
Bodhi jumped off the bed and came over and started pinning Franks hair. "Yes, I am so ready. It is going to be fun."
"Fun yet we have to work." I patted her shoulder.
She rolled her eyes. "Yes, work."
I walked out to find dad. "Dad, where are you?"
"We are down in the den." He shouted up from downstairs.
I ran downstairs. I walked in on Grace and dad being close. "Okay teenagers, break it up."
Dad laughed. "Shouldn't this be the other way around?"
"Yes, but since my boyfriend is at his house and not trying to smooch me, it's me telling you." I put my hands on my hips.
"Excuse me, boyfriend? Who are you with? Why wasn't I told about this?" Dad was getting into protective mode.
"Well, if you would come to Jason's you would know. I am with Phoenix. Phoenix Appleberry." I grimaced. I had no idea what his thoughts would be on me dating Phoenix.
Dad took a deep breath. "When were you going to tell me about this?"
"Now, I guess. I thought this is what everyone wanted." I crossed my arms.
"I am just shocked. I didn't think it would happen. I thought you'd fall for someone else like all the Ashby's." Dad ran a hand through his hair.
"I guess Phoenix and I are different. No one forced us on each other. We got to know one another, and we clicked." I shrugged.
"You know what this means, right?" Dad stopped pacing and looked at me.
I shook my head. "Yes, I know. The curse is gone."
"Are you sure he is who you want?" Dad came over to sit by me.
I looked over at him. "Yes, he is who I want. He has helped me in so many ways. He puts me at ease. Will I stay with him forever, I have no clue."
Dad hugged me. "Then we need to start planning."
He was up and going into his study before I could ask any questions. I ran after him, confused. What could he be talking about? Planning what?
"Dad, slow down. Plan for what? What is going on?" He wasn't paying attention. He was going through book after book.
I put a hand on his arm. "Dad."
He stopped and looked at me. "Your wedding."
"I'm not getting married. At least not until after college and I'm settled with a job. You can like it or not. But that's my rule. Like I said, I don't know how long we will be together. I'm just a teenager." I patted his shoulder and walked out.

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