Ch. 15: Going Home

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It was six in the morning and I barely slept. I rolled over to find Slade fast asleep. I didn't know how guys done it. They just passed out and that was that. I wish I could do that.
I threw the covers back and got up. I had packed last night while everyone else was downstairs talking. I had to get my mind off stuff. But I think that only made me think of everything even more. I had laid out my clothes that I was going to wear today to go home. I was ready to be back in Oregon. I was ready to see the rest of my family and friends. It seemed like we had been stuck in Canada for months instead of a couple of days.
I went downstairs and found everyone up. They were all eating breakfast. "Why didn't you guys wake Slade and I up?" 
"You two were sleeping so peacefully, we didn't want to bother you." Zig was fighting Ziv for the last two pieces of bacon while speaking to me.
"I will go get Slade up. Jonathon, can you cook up a bit more food, please?" I ran upstairs.
I shook Slade, he groaned and didn't want to get up. "Slade get your butt up. There is food downstairs and we need to eat and get going."
Slade sat up in bed. "Why get up so early?"
"It is only seven in the morning. We were supposed to be up earlier than that." I threw clothes at him.
He got up putting clothes on. "Alright, well my darling, let us eat and go then."
I took our bags and packed them in the back of the vehicles. I was ready to get out of there. I knew the Elders had people watching us. I could feel it. She was vindictive. She was the worse seed out of all them.
Dad came out to help. "Sloane, are you okay? You need to slow down."
"How can I slow down? We have one of them who is like Slade and me. I don't know what they are going to do." I sat down on the steps trying to catch my breath.
Dad wrapped his arms around me. "You know whatever comes our way, we are going to get through it all, together."
Tears were slowly going down my face. "Was I stupid to come here and talk to the elders? I don't even know if Slade and I will be together forever. I don't know if we will have kids. They are so scared of us being different from them. They don't and won't think. They won't open their minds."
"No, Sloane, you are not stupid to come here. It is probably one of the bravest things any of our kind has ever done. Everyone is afraid of them. You weren't."
"We have to get home. Because whatever the elders are going to do. I don't think it will be good."
"What are you saying? We are all going to die?"
"Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. I'm going to have to talk to the Appleberry's and see if they can help. We need as much help as possible."
Jonathon came out and sat down by dad and me. "You two ready to go? I heard I am riding with you, Slade, and the twins."
"Yeah, let's get going."
"Are you hungry?" Jonathon gave me a plate of food.
"Thank you, Jonathon." I smiled at him.
The trip back was good. The farther we got away from the elders, the better I felt. I don't know if it was just me or could the others feel that something was going to happen.
We stopped to get gas and lunch. Jonathon leaned up between the seats. "You feel it too, don't you?"
"Feel what?"
"That the elders are going to do something. Like we are all about to die."
"Thank goodness I'm not the only one feeling that." I took a deep breath and let it out.
"We have to prepare. When we get back to Appleberry, we have to gather as many people that will help us figure out how to stop them. Even if that means killing them before they kill us."
"I know."
There was a pause while we looked around at the others scrambling to get done. "What happens when they die? Who becomes the elders?"
"We have to go to the springs up in the mountains and do a ceremony. There it will give us three faces in the stone we sit up. That's when we will know who becomes the elders."
The door opened, and Jonathon sat back in his seat. Slade leaned over and kissed me. "You ready to be home?"
"More than you know."

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