Ch. 16: Jonathon Meeting The Clan

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By the time we reached the Alderman's home, it was dark. But they were waiting for us on the front porch. As soon as we got out, everyone ran to each other hugging. But when they saw Jonathon, they all froze.
"Everyone this is Jonathon, he was one of the elders." I laced my arm through Jonathon's.
Jason came up and shook his hand. "It is very nice to meet you Jonathon."
"Nice to meet you too sir."
I sighed because the others seemed weary. "He is going to be staying with us and helping us. We are going to have to fight the elders. They don't like that Slade and I are together. They also don't like that Jonathon is taking our side."
Jason grabbed some bags. "I say we take this to the study and start coming up with a plan."
Slade went to go in, but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "I have to go and see the Appleberry's."
"No, you aren't going there." Red spread across his face.
"Don't let jealousy get you worked up. If we are going to win this, we need all the help we can get."
"Fine, but as soon as you are done, come back to me."
I kissed him as passionately as I could. "I will."
I got in my truck and drove off. I had no clue if the Appleberry's would help us. I knew Phoenix and Kal probably would. But as for the others, I wasn't so sure. Gwendolyn and Bowie were the ones I worried about. Karen and Welch, I think would help. We would even need all the younger siblings to help with this fight.
I sat there in my truck parked in their driveway. I didn't know if my legs would move to go and ring their door bell. I was nervous. I had broken their sons heart.
I got out and went up to the door. I rang the bell a couple of times. Kal was on the other side.
"Sloane, what brings you here?"
"I need you and your family to have a meeting."
His face went from a smile to seriousness. "I will go get them. Go to the den."
I stood there waiting for them. I paced back and forth. I hope their floors were strong because by this point I could make a hole from how much I was pacing.
"You keep pacing any more, there will be a hole in our good floors."
I looked up and saw Phoenix standing in the door frame. "Sorry, just a lot on my mind."
"You don't say." He came in and sat down on the couch.
Gwendolyn and Bowie came in without saying a word. They were soon followed by Karen, Welch, and Kal. I could tell Gwendolyn and Bowie weren't happy to see me.
Kal came over and stood by me. "So, what is it you want to talk to us about?"
"I visited the elders." There was a gasp from them.
"I went there and asked for the permission for Slade and me to be together. But they were against it because we are different. With all that we also brought one of them back with us. Jonathon, he is like Slade and my family. He wants to help us. But we need your help too. I know Gwendolyn and Bowie don't like me or the others. But any help we can get to beat them, is good. We are even going to get the younger siblings involved."
I waited patiently for them to answer me. But they just stared at me. Then finally Phoenix stood up.
"We will help. We all will. Tomorrow we will all come to Jason's and start helping. For now, we need to get to bed. Thank you for coming and asking for our help." Phoenix left and went upstairs.
Gwendolyn stomped off mad behind him, Bowie following her. Karen and Welch both gave me a hug and said their goodbyes. I was left with Kal.
"You are one stupidly brave girl." Kal poured him some scotch.
"I had to go to them Kal. It isn't right that we can't be together just because we are different. Everyone should be with who they love." I sat down on the edge of the chair.
"I understand that. People shouldn't have to be discriminated on who they love. Love is just that love."
"Right on. I must get back to Jason's place. We are going to have a chat about a few things. Then tomorrow I guess starts the real work." I got up and walked to the door.
"We will see you tomorrow Kal." We hugged.
When I walked through Jason's door, Slade came up to me and gave me a hug and kissed me. "I missed you."
"I wasn't gone that long. I figured after our trip to and from Canada, you'd be sick of me."
"I would never. I just have this feeling things are going to get crazy."
"Things are already crazy. What are they talking about in the study?"
"Mostly why Jonathon came back with us."
I walked into the study, they were all asking question after question. "Guys, will you lay off. He can only answer so much."
They all looked at me. Jason stood up. "Sloane, what did the Appleberry's say?"
"They are with us. Gwendolyn and Bowie aren't too happy about it. But they are coming over tomorrow to get started."
Frankie came up and hugged me. "I have missed you so much."
"I've missed you too Franks. I'm glad to be back home." I kept my arm around her and walked over to the couch and sat down.
"Jonathon, do we know what their weaknesses are?" I looked at him. He looked overwhelmed.
"Once you kill Claudette, the others will get weak. She linked them to her. That is what makes her stronger. If you noticed they looked much older than her."
Slade was standing by the desk looking over a book. "How do we kill Claudette?"
"You have to rip her heart out and light in on fire. Then you put her on fire. Take the ashes and burry them separate and a long way from her heart. If you do that, no one can bring her back."
I looked at Jonathon. His eyes were tired. "Jonathon, how about you go get some sleep. You have had a long couple of days."
Jason stood up. "I'll show you to your room."

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