Ch. 20: The Fight

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I sat there on the cliff, my legs dangling over the edge. Before it seemed scary to be just a few feet away from the edge. Now, knowing that I could die along with my family and friends. That was more than scary. But I'd do it. I would fight any time for the people I am close to and love.
"I take it you couldn't sleep either."
I looked behind me finding Slade and Phoenix. They came over sitting on either side of me. Both taking a hand and giving it a squeeze.
"You both should be sleeping."
They laughed. Slade put his arm around me. "Speak for yourself."
"I know. I just couldn't stop thinking."
Phoenix got up. "Of what?"
"I know it is either kill or be killed. I'm trying but failing to prepare for if someone I love dies."
Phoenix held my hand tight. "Things will be okay. We are prepared for this. We know how to get to the elders and their weak spots."
Slade jumped up. "They are here."
I looked up at him. "Who?"
He held out his hand to help me up. "Our clan. Apparently, we aren't the only ones who couldn't sleep."
I looked down at the beach finding them all standing and stretching, like they were getting ready to play volleyball or go for a run. It was weird. Slade, Phoenix, and I went down to the beach.
Dad and Frankie rushed over to me giving me a group hug. They held on tight. But I think I held on tighter.
I let go of them. "We all know what we need to do, right?"
They all nodded. We hugged one another and got into our positions. I stared down at the beach. I could feel something coming. The hairs on my arms were standing up. I wasn't cold, my sweater kept me warm. But there were chills.
When I saw a car pull up, I texted everyone. Richard got out. No James or Claudette. Where were they?
I texted everyone to be on the look out since Richard was the only one to get out. Jason and Richard were standing face to face a few feet away from one another.
I texted the twins to find out what was being said. They were at the edge of the woods, so I knew they could hear.
Richard said everyone is on their way. That James has a fleet of twenty. How are we going to do this? -Ziv
I texted back.
Can't back out now. I believe in us. Fight hard. Fight for our clan. Fight for what is right. Fight for love. -Sloane
I heard a crunch of a twig behind me.
I turned around to find her smiling viciously.
"We meet again, Sloane."
I crossed my arms. "Yeah and I'm not excited over it. I rather you not be here."
She gave a laugh that sent chills up my back. I closed my eyes for a split second and straightened myself up. We danced around in circles until I had her standing by the edge of the cliff.
"Sloane, I thought you'd be smarter than this. If you would have just stopped dating that thing."
"He is a wolf and warlock. His name is Slade. It shouldn't matter who or what he is. Nor should it matter who or what my family and I are."
"It matters."
"Why? Are you afraid Claudette?"
She huffed. "Afraid of you and your clan, no."
I stepped forward and Claudette took a step back. "Really, because from where I'm standing seems like you are terrified."
Claudette took a step forward, but I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction. I was not letting her get the upper hand.
"Are you afraid Sloane?"
"Of you? No." I was scared but not of her.
"You should be." Then she came after me.
She threw a punch, I ducked from. I grabbed her by the waist and slammed her into a tree. She elbowed me in the face, making me stagger back. I felt the blood on my lip but wiped it away.
As I swung at her, I heard the howling of the wolves. I knew it was fight central on the beach and in the woods. Fighting and hearing the howling of the wolves. I could feel my wolf side wanting to kick in. So, I let it. At least half of it.
I clawed her in the face. She yelled out in pain. Claudette crouched down putting her free hand up.
"Please, don't kill me. You can be with him. I'll change the rules."
When my voice came out, it was a growl. "You're lying."
She wept. "No, I'm not."
I took a few steps back. She stood up, still holding her face. Claudette's eyes burned through me. They were black.
I looked her in the eyes. "Promise?"
One single tear fell from the eye I could see. "Yes."
She was saying yes but my gut instinct was telling me something else. I could see it in her eyes. There was no way she would bend the rules or get rid of them.
"You're lying."
Claudette started laughing. "Of course, I am. Why would I change anything? I have the power."
She ran towards me. As fast as she came at me, I moved faster. I heard her scream. She was dangling holding onto the cliff. I walked over and looked down at her.
I sighed taking her hand and lifting her up. She whispered in my ear.
"You won't win. You'll lose it all."
That was enough to send me overboard. I put my claw through her chest, ripping out her heart. Her eyes widened, and I let her fall into the water. I went over and started a fire, throwing Claudette's heart in. As I watched it burned, I slowly changed back into my full human form.
I started crying. My whole body shaking. I felt awful. But I knew it had to be done. I dried my tears and stood up. I walked over to the cliff's edge. There was no sign of Claudette's body.
I looked over to the beach. I knew the fighting had stopped. I could feel it. I went back over to the fire. I put the ashes in a wooden box and buried it by a tree. After crying again, I walked down to the beach.
My whole clan was standing there. They were worn out from the fight. I knew the feeling.
Everyone came up and hugged me. Even the Appleberry's. Gwendolyn and Bowie joined in as well. There was one person missing.
"Where is Kal?"
They all looked at me and looked behind them. There was Kal, laying out in the sand. I ran over to him. He was breathing but in a lot of pain.
"Kal, I am sorry."
He gulped. "Don't be. We won. It's just a couple of bumps and bruises."
Gwendolyn came and stood by me. "Don't worry, I'll have him back on his feet in a couple of days. I'm a witch remember?"
I stood up. "Twins, get him into the back of the truck and take him home. Let Gwendolyn start her magic."
"Yes ma'am." They grabbed him and took him to the truck.
I turned to the rest of them. "How about we go back to Jason's and talk."
Everyone was silent. Even Jason didn't say anything. I was pacing the floor. I could feel their eyes on me. They wanted to know what I was thinking. First I needed to talk to Frankie.
"Frankie, lets go outside." She got up following me.
I stopped turning to her. "It wasn't Gwendolyn and Bowie we felt. It was the Elders."
Frankie sighed. "Yeah, who would have thought those two would actually help us."
"I am just happy we are all okay. Kal will be better soon." Frankie and I hugged one another.
"Let's get back inside." We walked in hand and hand.
Everyone went silent when they saw us. Frankie took her spot by Zeke. I stood up at Jason's desk. They were waiting for me to say something.
I let out a huge sigh. "So, what now?"
Jonathon stood up coming up beside me, facing the others. "Now, we rest. Then we have to get new elders."

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