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Seth didn't talk to Sasha that night. He gave her space instead. He knew being patient with her was key.

Seth knew he was in the wrong.

If she didn't want to have sex he shouldn't of showed his disappoint. He shouldn't of been disappointed in the first place.

Even after Sasha called him 'immature', he still shouldn't of fought back. He should've listened to her and apologized instead of getting angry and lashing out.

It seemed as he got angry a lot.

A little too much.

Seth was awoken by heavy rain pounding on to the house. He slowly sat up from the couch and stretched his stiff limbs.

He didn't get much sleep last night.

Not when he knew Sasha was angry at him.

He walked to the kitchen and began to brew some coffee. As he was staring at the coffee which was descending into his cup, he felt two arms wrap around his waist from behind and a small pressure on his back. Seth could tell it was Sasha just by her touch.

Did she forget what happened?

"Sash?" He questioned as she groaned into his back. She kept a tight grip around his waist as he turned around and looked down into her eyes.

"I'm sorry I overreacted," she mumbled. She brought her forehead to his chest and sighed. He shook his head while gently patting her back.

"No you didn't. You're aloud to feel mad at me if I made you mad," he said while bending down to kiss the top of her head, "I shouldn't of acted that way. I'm sorry,"

"It's alright," she said quietly while pulling away from him. She leaned her back on the counter behind while sucking in her lips.

"No. It's not alright. I don't want you to think that you have to sleep with me when you don't want to,"

Seth turned around as he heard the coffee stop pouring into his cup. He grabbed the mug and handed it to Sasha.

"Thank you," she smiled. She rose on to her tiptoes and placed a kiss on his cheek.

♡ ♡ ♡

Alexa's eyes fluttered open to greet Barons face staring at hers. She smiled as he kissed her forehead, "Good morning princess," Baron whispered.

"Morning," she yawned.

"I was thinking we could get dinner tonight," he suggested while caressing her cheeks with his thumb.

"Mmm I'd love to but I have a photoshoot that I have to leave for at three. I probably won't be home till midnight," she watched his face sink. It'd been awhile since they went on a date together.

He flipped on to his back while staring up at the ceiling, "Do you have to go? Can't you opt out of it?" He asked, "I really want to take you out tonight,"

She sat up and shrugged, "this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and it will really further my career,"

"I understand," he sighed while sitting up. He rose from the bed and went to walk out of the room but Alexa grabbed his wrist.

"Don't act like that!" She exclaimed.

"I'm not acting like anything Alexa! I said I understand, isn't that enough!" He snapped.

"Do you really understand? Because every time I have to pick something else over you, you flip out!" She yelled.

"I didn't flip out though! You're making a big deal out of nothing just like always," he pulled his wrist out of her hand, "and maybe I should flip out next time. Because I never get time with you anymore. Everything is about your career! The amount of times you had to cancel on me because you got another opportunity that usually never works is outrageous. I never said anything about it to you before because I know you're happy with this job but I've just about had enough!"

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