e p i l o g u e

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Sasha sat crisscrossed in front of the large window, looking out on to the busy streets of New York. The sound of heavy traffic somewhat soothed her as she let her chest rise and fall, cherishing each breath.

"Mama?" A little voice became present behind Sasha, curving her lips into a smile.

She turned around to face her daughter. Tan skin, dark brown hair; she'd be a mini Sasha if it weren't for her big, piercing green eyes.

"Hi baby," Sasha held her arms out for her little girl, who gladly excepted, hopping into her mom's lap.

The three year old giggled, curling her fingers through Sasha's hair. "It's time for bed soon Ang," Sasha whispered, leaving a light kiss on the girl's forehead.

Angela Mae Banks.

Born only a year after Sasha moved to New York to peruse her dreams. She was the result of a college party, which of course was filled with alcohol and drugs. Sasha never found out who the father of her little girl was due to being extremely intoxicated that night.

Sasha ended up finishing the rest of school online in order to stay home for her baby Ang. She worked part time as a waitress at a local diner to provide for her small family.

It was a struggle, but she wouldn't trade out Angela for the world.

Angela's name of course means angel. Sasha believed Angela came when she needed her the most. She was a gift from god.

Mae, her middle name didn't have too much meaning. Alexa has suggested it and Sasha had fallen in love instantly.

"Let's get you ready for bed my angel."

♡ ♡ ♡

"I'm sorry, I don't love you. I never have and I never will."

Seth kept his head down, not wanting to see the pained expression on the orange haired girl's face.

He heard her shuffle around the room before hearing the click of the door closing.

He felt terrible. Three years he led her on. Three whole years.

Slowly, he pulled himself up from the couch and walked around his now lonely home. He'd moved out of the previous house due to Alexa and Baron wanting to start a family soon.

Where did he go wrong in life to be left like this? A terrible human being.

When he left Sasha, that's when.

She made him a better person. She was always there to pick him back up and talk sense into his mind. But he let her go.

Every day he regretted leaving her. He wished to have the confidence to just call her. He couldn't though. He'd probably accidentally mess her life up if he even tried.

♡ ♡ ♡

"This was the perfect honeymoon spot. Thank you so much Baron!" Alexa exclaimed, jumping up and straddling her legs around his waist. He chuckled, giving her a long kiss before dropping her back down.

She ran around the beach, her light, white dress flowing in he wind behind her. She looked like a goddess.

"Lexi, wait up!" He called, chasing after the girl. He caught up to her, grabbing her waist from behind and tackling her into the water.

"Baron!" She yelled in annoyance before breaking out into laughter. She let herself move with the water, waves pushing her small body back to shore.

"Cmon baby, we have reservations for seven," he smiled, reaching his hand out to help her up.

It was only the first day of their honeymoon yet they both were already having the best time of their lives. Italy truly was breathtaking.

The two didn't argue as much anymore. They were happy. Very happy. Even if there was an argument, two minutes later an 'I love you' would slip out of one of their mouths and everything would be fixed again.

They were back on honeymoon avenue.

♡ ♡ ♡

Sasha and Seth never found their way back to honeymoon avenue. They'd taken a wrong turn somewhere in their journey.

Maybe the wrong turn was for the better? Maybe it wasn't? Maybe they'd find each other on that same road again someday?

But for now, god had other plans for the two and they didn't involve Honeymoon Avenue.

♡ ♡ ♡

a/n fin <3

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