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"Seth?" Sasha questioned as she walked into their bedroom. Seth looked up from his phone, a soft smile growing on his face.

"Hi," He breathed, watching as she made her way over to sit on the bed. She leaned over, resting her head on his shoulder as she watched his phone screen.

"Can we talk?" She asked, reaching her arms behind her back to held herself up. Seth nodded and powered off his phone, placing it on the bedside table.

Sasha felt his gaze on her as she stared at her lap, desperately trying to muster up words. How was she supposed to tell him?

♡ ♡ ♡

Alexa giggled watching baron try to pick out an outfit. Fashion was never really his thing.

He held up a black shirt and black jeans as Alexa shook her head, "Baby you wear that every day. Try some color for a change!"

He groaned, walking back into the closet and pulling out a maroon shirt. Alexa gave him a nod of approval before grabbing a few neckless chains off the dresser and laying them on the bed for him.

"Get dressed quick. We don't have much time, our reservation is in," she looked down at her watch, "thirty minutes."

Baron nodded as Alexa ran out of the room at the sound of the doorbell. She swung open the front door where a package lay in front of her feet.

She picked it up and brought it inside, reading the name it was addressed to. Sasha Banks.

Alexa shrugged before calling out to Baron again as they would be late if he took any longer.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" He shouted, speed racing down the steps. Alexa threw him the keys before they got in the car and left.

♡ ♡ ♡

Sasha's took a deep breath. Her heartbeat could be heard, pounding out of her chest. Her palms grew warm with sweat building up as she began to speak.

"So I've been thinking," her voice was shaking causing her to stop and recoup, "I uh only have my associates degree for interior design. If I want to further my work, I need to get my bachelors."

Seth tilted his head while softly biting at his bottom lip, "so what are you going to do? Go back to school?"

Sasha slowly nodded her head. "I'm only twenty and I really haven't done anything with my life yet. I want to live a little."

"And you're gonna do that by going to college? Sasha, what? How is that living?" He asked, trying to remain calm.

Sasha chuckled and shook her head, "Seth, life isn't just about partying. At least not for me. I really really think this is the best way for me to be content with myself."

"So where are you going to go back to school? Somewhere around here?"

Sasha stayed silent.

"My god Sasha where!?" He exclaimed in frustration.

"New York," she simply stated, "I am going back to school in New York."

Seth's eyes widened. New York was a long way from where they lived now. Too long.

"I'm sorry Seth, but I have to do this. It's not like I belong here anyways. It's best that I leave."

A tear rolled down her cheek as she sniffled. "And I really don't want our relationship to end. I still want to be your girlfriend."


♡ ♡ ♡

Baron held Alexa close by his side as they walked down the pier. It'd been a while since they had a day like this to just relax.

"It's so beautiful," Alexa commented as she looked around at the scenery. Baron hummed in response before guiding her to the very end of the pier.

"Alexa," he dropped to one knee, "I know we are already engaged. But I didn't do a good enough job as your fiancé. We weren't stable enough in our relationship. But now, we can have a fresh start and put the dark days behind us. So will you actually marry me?"

Alexa let a few tears slip out as she was not expecting this at all. "I-yes of course Baron," she giggled, holding her hand out as he slid a new ring on her finger.

"Thank you," he whispered, pulling the small girl into his arms.

"For what?"

"For not giving up on me."

♡ ♡ ♡

"No Sasha, you know I can't move there with you. I just can't. Not with my family and work being here I ju-

She cut him off, "I'm not asking you to," She sighed, "we could still be long distance."

Seth just shook his head, "I don't think I can commit to that."

Sasha wiped away her tears and stood up, "then I guess it's over," she picked up the picture of them kissing which was at the night stand and laughed at it, "I knew this was never going to work. My mom was right. I should've never even thought about getting with you."

With that she dropped the picture frame to smash into pieces and stormed out of the room.

Seth cried that night. He knew it wasn't fair of him to be upset, he was the one who couldn't commit. But it still hurt losing her. She'd always be his world, in a relationship or not.

♡ ♡ ♡

a/n  ngl i forgot about this book oOops.

so are u happy or sad about the sesha breakup? like the relationship was toxic af but they were still so cute. 😭😭😭 i have mixed emotions.

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