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"That it?" Alexa asked, walking to the front door, glancing over Sashas few boxes and suitcases.

Sasha nodded her head, "Thank you. Not just for helping me pack but for everything. I love you so much."

The two girls stood in each others embrace, soaking in the last moment they'd have together for now. Of course they'd see each other again and visit frequently, but it'd be different going from seeing each other every day to seeing each other maybe every few months.

"Alright then. Call me every second of the day. Study really hard. Be yourself, don't be shy. Don't party too hard. And don't get hit by a taxi driver."

Sasha chuckled at the last one, "I'll try not too. Have fun being the only girl."

Alexa's eyes widened realizing she'd be stuck with the two guys. This was going to be hell.

"Have fun living alone," alexa teased before pulling her best friend into one last hug.

"Tell Baron I said thank you, whenever he gets home. And uhm tell Seth- you know what don't say anything to him about me. I'm still confused."

"Of course," alexa smiled.

As the girls finished their talk, Sashas dad had loaded everything into her car, meaning Sasha was ready to go.

She took one last glance around before heading out the door, into a new world.

♡ ♡ ♡

Seth finished chugging his beer as he looked around the bar. He'd strucken up a few conversations with some people but not much.

He didn't come here to socialize though, he only came for the alcohol.

Sighing, he paid the check, grabbed his keys and phone, and then headed to his car.

Technically he shouldn't be driving but he'd only had two beers. He should be fine.

As he walked through the dark parking lot, he felt his body bump into something. A flash of orange appeared in front of his face as he backed away.

"Sorry," a voice spoke, looking up at Seth. The girl moved her hair out of her face, making proper eye contact with him.

"It's alright," he assured before reaching down to grab a card that'd fallen.


"You may need this," he chuckled handing her the ID.

"Yeah probably," she giggled, "you wanna come get wasted with me?"

Seth thought about his answer for a minute. He should've thought harder.


♡ ♡ ♡

Becky and Seth stumbled into her house, lips locked on one another's. Becky grabbed his wrist, dragging him down the hallway and then to the left, leading to a room which appeared to be her bedroom.

The next morning Seth woke up with a pounding headache. He looked around the room confused as to where he was. That was till he saw the mess orange hair next to him.


He quickly slid his clothes on and then found his phone. Thankfully he was only about fifteen minutes from his house.

"Seth?" He heard a tired voice ask from beside him.

"I'm leaving," he sighed.

"Can I at least have your number?" Becky asked, holding the sheets over her bare chest. She threw her phone to the edge of the bed, "the password is 417853."

Seth didn't want to give her his number but then again he didn't want to be rude. Technically the girl never did anything wrong. He put in his contact info and then proceeded on his way home.

♡ ♡ ♡

a/n like one chapter left or somethin ig

a/n like one chapter left or somethin ig

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