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"Good job today Baron!" Dr.Flair called out. Baron felt his lips curl into a smile. He didn't know talking to a complete stranger could be so...soothing. He wasn't judged or screamed at. He was free to say whatever he wanted to.

"Thank you. See you soon," he gave her a small wave before walking out of the building and back to his car. He turned it on, rolling down the windows as he looked at his surroundings. There was a small cafe across the street. Lexi was huge on cafes.

He let his smile drop thinking about his fiancée. She was obviously still angry at him but not to the point where they were at each other's throats.

He decided to drive across the street and enter the cafe. The place had a mouth watering smell. He looked in the display case and picked out a few deserts before leaving and finally arriving home.

"Lex I'm home!" He yelled from the front door. He saw the small girl casually walk down the stairs, giving him a small smile.

"How was it?" She asked referring to the session he'd had today.

"It was great. Relieving if you will,"

"I'm glad. What's in the bag?" Baron smiled at her question before motioning her to the kitchen. He placed the bag on the island and pulled out two large chocolate chip cookies. The sight of Alexa's eyes lighting up made him chuckle.

"Thank you love," she brought herself to her tiptoes, trying her best to reach his lips. His heart fluttered at how adorable she was. He picked her up as if she was a child and placed her on the island next to their cookies before planting a big kiss on her lips.

After Alexa got back from work last night the whole household had had a talk. They knew things were unhealthy in this house. They knew they needed to fix them. How they were going to fix them was the problem. It seemed every time they turned around there was a fight breaking lose. Baron's therapy was the first step to helping, yet the others knew they had work to put in as well.

"Here," he said softly, breaking a piece of the cookie off and placing it into Alexa's mouth. She carefully chewed it, giggling throughout.

Today was good.

She was happy.

"Get the milk out. We can't eat chocolate chip cookies without it!"

♡ ♡ ♡

Sasha arrived home from work, exhausted as ever. Her brain was pounding in her skull as she tried to concentrate on walking upstairs.

It was clear that she was getting sick. She had a sore throat this morning and had been sneezing all day.

She seemed to be a lot more clingy when she got sick. The girl was only twenty, barely an adult so she got pretty emotional at times.

She kicked her shoes off and climbed in bed. The second she felt herself drifting away, she could here a ruckus going on downstairs.

No god no. Not another fight!

She squeezed her eyes shut, tightly clutching the blankets but the sound of the commotion coming from below was keeping her wide awake.

She shot up out of bed, holding her head in her hands as she stormed down the stairs.

"What is going on! Why are you guys being so loud!" She shouted, wincing at the pain in her head.

Baron, Seth, and Alexa all looked up from their devices, staring wide eyed at Sasha.

"Sorry we'll keep it down," Seth apologized, "we were playing this game and they're both being asses,"

"What game?" Sasha asked walking beside Seth. She sank down next to him on the couch, holding on to his bicep as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Mario kart," Alexa answered.

"On your phones?" Sasha furrowed her eyebrows as she took a better look at the screen on Seth's phone.

"Yup, no DAMNIT!" Baron yelled while throwing his phone down on the ground. Sasha jumped a bit at his actions, holding Seth tighter, "Sorry I just hate losing," Baron sighed.

"Baby will you come rest with me?" Sasha asked before pulling away to cough into her arm. Seth nodded. He hated when she was sick.

♡ ♡ ♡

Seth ran his fingers through Sasha's hair as he watched the poor girl whimper in her sleep. She was sweating head to toe due to her high fever. Every now and then she'd break out coughing or wake up unable to breath due to her nose being stuffed up.

"You'll be okay my princess," Seth whispered. He pampered her face in light kisses, not caring if he got sick. Sasha always came first. Always.

♡ ♡ ♡

Alexa and Baron both settled into bed, talking about anything that came to mind. No fights or arguments just giggling and sweet talk. It was nights like these that made the two remember why they loved each other; why they came back to each other every time.

♡ ♡ ♡

a/n shut up i know this sucks.

a/n shut up i know this sucks

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