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Sasha's eyes burned with tears as she paced around Alexa and Baron's door. Telling your best friends that your moving- not the easiest thing to do.

She didn't know if they'd support her or not. It scared her.

Slowly she raised her shaking hand, connecting it with the door. She gave it a good few knocks, immediately regretting her decision.

Cmon Sasha they're your best friends!

"Come in!" Alexa voice shouted, slightly distanced.

Reluctantly, Sasha pushed the door open, revealing herself to the couple. Alexa was sitting in the bed on her lap top while Baron was organizing his closet.

"Hi," she breathed, her voice shaking through the one-syllable word.

"Sup!" Baron called from the closet. Alexa chuckled before turning to look at Sasha. The second she saw the worried expression on her best friends face she stopped everything she was doing.

Alexa slammed shut her laptop, throwing it to the end of the bed before patting the spot beside her,"Come talk. What's on your mind?" She asked, being as warming and welcoming to Sasha as possible.

"I- I need to talk to bo-both of you," she said softly but just loud enough for Baron to hear it. He finished hanging up his dress shirt, not caring how lazily it'd been hung on the hanger. Sasha was more important.

So now here the three were. Alexa and Sasha both next to each other, leaned against the headboard as Baron sat at the edge of the bed facing the two.

Sasha took a deep breath.

I can do this...

"So I'm going to go back to college...in New York." She announced, biting her bottom lip as she waited for their reactions.

"That's amazing!" Alexa exclaimed, side hugging her best friend, "I'm so proud of you!"

Sasha slightly smiled before it faded away. They still didn't know the full story.

"I think that'll be great for you. I'll miss you, but your so talented. Your going to do amazing," Baron said, giving her a soft smile.

"How does Seth feel about it?" Alexa asked.

Sasha wanted to burst into tears at the sound of his name, at the thought of him telling her he wouldn't support this decision.

Sasha didn't reply. Her eyes watered, bringing a stinging sensation up through her whole face.

"We broke up," she confessed, "for real this time. It's over."

Alexa slapped her hand over her mouth. Sure the couple had issues. But this was unexpected.

In some way she felt guilty. Her and Baron has been at their best right now while Sasha was at her lowest.

Alexa had been so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't see Sasha burst out into tears as Baron took the delicate girl into his arms.

"Shh it's alright," Baron whispered, tracing small circles on her back.

Alexa swallowed the lump in her throat before speaking, "did you guys break up over you moving to New York?"

Sasha nodded her head into Baron's chest, "he said he wouldn't commit to us doing long distance," she sobbed.

Breathing was becoming harder with each passing second. Nothing felt real anymore. She didn't know how to act, she couldn't act. She couldn't feel her body anymore, all she felt was an ache in her heart. Baron and Alexa's voices disappeared, everything holding her in reality disappeared.

This is it. I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I AM GOING TO DIE!

And then everything came back.

She could feel her body tightly held against somebody's chest, she could feel their lips softly kissing the top of her head.

This wasn't Baron anymore.

It was Seth. She jumped away from him, body still shaking.

"Hey hey hey, calm down Sash. Its alright. You're okay," he whispered reaching out for the girl. She accepted, weakly falling into his arms again.

"I- what happened? I thought I was gonna die," she whimpered, relaxing into his embrace.

"You had a panic attack. But it's alright now. You're safe," he assured.

She didn't know how long the panic attack had went on for. Her sense of time seemed to of disappeared. She didn't know if it lasted seconds or hours.

That didn't matter though.

She was with him now, back in his arms. At least for the time being.

♡ ♡ ♡

a/n one or two more chapters idk yet.

thank you to everyone who's reading this book, your amazing.

also if u wanna check out my book instagram its a sesha au 💖

merry almost christmas ❤️💚

and if u don't celebrate christmas than happy holidays or just happy day!

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and if u don't celebrate christmas than happy holidays or just happy day!

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