Episode 18: Camping

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"So, are you all ready?" asked Adrian, wearing a park ranger hat, "This camping trip will be pretty fun once we all get used to it. Make sure to spray the insect repellent and sun screen just in case."

As Adrian went over the rules, Robert and Carly began handing out tiny radios. They only had one button on them.

"Hey," asked Val, "What are these for? Are they used to communicate?"

"Not exactly," explained Adrian, "These aren't any normal radios. You see, I kinda forgot to buy actual radios for the trip, so I had to come up with a backup. I found these little things in my garage, and they're kinda like radios but a bit more simplified. You see, when you press the button on the radio, it will silently notify the other radios. The other radios will begin to beep, signifying that the person who pressed the button is in trouble.

These radios can be used for any emergencies that you may have, wether you accidentally touched poison ivy, or when you're lost in the woods. The radios will locate where you are and tell them to your friends. Not only that, but the radio is waterproof as well, so you can even press it when you're drowning! It's pretty hard to break these little things too!"

"Wow," said Neos, "These radios seem very useful!"

"Remember to only use them for emergencies," smiled Yuri.

"Maaan, this hike is so long!" complained Jak, "How long until we get there?"

"It shouldn't be too long," replied Carly, "The campsite is just near the mountain."

"Woah!" gasped Jazz, "Look at the cool view!"

The cool breeze made the trees sway on the large and grand mountains. This island was pretty huge, having mountains that can even stretch up to the clouds.

"Woah! Look!" yelled Styx, "It's a skunk! I don't usually see those back at Silver Leaf."

The skunk squirmed around on the road. He looked at the crew, who didn't move out of fear of getting sprayed.

"They say that if a skunk sprays you," whispered Robert, "You would have to bathe in mayonnaise to get the stench off."

"Mayonnaise?" asked Kaleb, "I thought it was ketchup?"

"I've been told that you need to pee on the part that you were sprayed on," commented Styx.

"The hell?" said Brian, "That's for jellyfish stings. It's common knowledge to pee on jellyfish stings to make the situation better."

"Is peeing on jellyfish stings even confirmed to work?" asked Jak.

"It probably is if people keep doing it all the time," replied Brian.

Soon, the skunk scurried away and the crew continued their walk up the mountain. Finally, they arrived at the campsite, which was already set up with two tents and logs to sit on. It was surrounded by multiple trees.

"This place looks pretty comfy," commented Yuri, "It's a nice warm atmosphere."

"We'll be staying here for a night, I think," said Neos.


After a few hours, they've ran out of things to do.

"We could always play snakes and ladders," said Kaleb.

"You brought the board game?" asked Brian.



"Then why suggest it?"

"Wait, what about tic tac toe?" suggested Styx.

"I'm up for tic tac toe," smiled Kaleb.

"You go on ahead," said Neos, "You guys always seem to beat us at it."

For a few minutes, Styx and Kaleb began playing tic tac toe. They used the same strategy to win each time, so they already knew the moves that the other person would make. This resulted in a tie happening each and every round, with no hope of continuing.

"Well, while they're doing that," said Adrian, holding up a chip bag, "We could eat some snacks and tell some campfire stories."

For hours, the crew began telling stories of events that happened in their life. They even told fictional stories, such as a spaceman going to Mars and finding scary aliens, or an old abandoned research facility that had one monster left that terrorized the whole town that was near it. Even classic monster stories like giant lizards coming from the water to wreak havoc. The experience they had in this island was different from the experiences the had back at home, but they really enjoyed it.

Soon, the sun began to set and night time had approached.

"Hey Val," said Adrian, "Since it's almost night time, we kinda need to set up a campfire. Can you go grab some sticks in the woods?"

"Sure thing," replied Val.

"If you're in any trouble," said Adrian, pointing to his back pocket, which has a radio inside it, "Don't be afraid to press the button."

"No worries!"

"I'll go with you just in case," said another person.

The two began making their way through the woods, collecting sticks on the floor for the campfire.

"Thanks for helping me out," said Val as she picked up sticks.

"It's no problem," the other person smiled.

Suddenly, Val felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She was stabbed with a sharp stick by the person who went with her! She turned around and looked at the person.

"So you were the traitor god all along?" said Val as she had grown weaker..

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