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Hello! Non-human-ers!

I'm really excited because my mom got me a nice pair for headphones for my birthday so I don't have to listen to my subs on low volume and put them right next it my ear or only when no one is inside(the walls are paper thin) so yeah. That should really help with results and their wireless so I don't have to worry about my fluffy children breaking them!

And so far I'm leaning towards option C. Although ima just unpublish these books I think(and might keep my first one up) because I've how much I've learned over the past months, And I'm really grateful to this community! Most of the people here are really sweet and kind! And I hope I'll be able to learn enough to answer other's questions too! As long as you avoid the drama this community is pretty great.

Sorry for getting all mushy!

And uh, don't be like me kids, sleep is important. -Mossy

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