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Hello! I haven't gotten much results recently, but I'm still listening lots! And I know I'll have my results soon!

I'm also doing a 33x3 for my Nintendo switch but I might actually do it for longer than three days cause it helps a lot with my mindset :3. I'm on day two of it as if writing. I also need to practice my healing sometime

Not mythical related buT
My friend showed my an app called Habitica it's like a to-do app and time management sorta but it's also a really simple rpg which you level up by completing tasks and if you don't complete daily tasks you set for yourself you'll hurt your character and if you are "fighting" a monster with a friend it'll hurt them instead.

I like it because it doesn't stop you from cheating, there's actually even an edit character stats thingy if the game messed you over but you could also use it to cheat, but the thing is that is you do you only cheat yourself. Honestly think it's really effective atleast for me.

I recommend it tho, it's fairly fun.

Now that I've spent half the chaptEr ramblinG about a habit tracking apP- ima head to bed, gn y'all


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