Really weird dream

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Okay so, today I had the strangest dream it may not seem weird at first but when I did the poke your finger to your palm trick I was in a dream by my hand didn't go through. And I also tried pinching but I didn't feel any pain my dream self summed this up to me not being able to pinch people right(which is sorta true)

Now as for the contents of the dream. It was really long so I'll sum it up. Me and two siblings (a girl and a boy) found a merdog and then a mermaid she led us to her home a house in someplace dry like Texas or similar places I think she had human legs now. And she was saying that in order to become a mermaid you need to be in tune with water so it's already pushing you forwards?

And after that she gave us a hint to where the mermaid kingdom was. It was a small town I think called Diamond she also gave us a road that I remember her saying there was a hotel or restaurant next to. And in the water there we'd find the kingdom through a tunnel underwater.

And that's it. I also found it strange because I thought of mythicals a couple times durning it and how it proved they were real.


I'm curious if this might mean something! Probably not but the hand trick not working was really weird. Also why I did those while I was dreaming was because I was so excited and wanted to make sure this wasn't a dream. Ironic huh?

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