Info v2

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Felt like re-doing my info chapter since I've changed a lot :3

-Le soul name or whatever it's called is Alexandrite

-might go by Lex instead because Alexandrite is a mouthful-

-I am of theE female gender

-I would be gay if it wasn't for the couple fictional guys that just need to stop being so adorablE >:0

-love me some warm yellows or light yellows or maybe even a light/warm orange

-Hugs and cuddles are great >:3

-baking is fun!

-I like arts and crafts too!

-if I could pick any job probably model or singer, but realistically a Baker most likely

-love me a good fantasy book with some good world building

-it's 3am while writing this because I cannot sleep-

-I have a couple amazing online friendos jupiterfire096 I've know for roughly two years ish

-Annawesome318 I've known for a year
Or sO? Prolly a bit over

ThatOneEmoHufflepuff don't talk much anymore after she left amino but she's super sweet and was becoming a mythical with me and Jupiter for awhile before she left

-Astrolo20 is super interesting and funny, she had to leave amino awhile ago and we aren't super close but she's a great person :3

-there's more but these are just the ones I met off amino that have wattpad profiles, I'd be here awhile if I listed everyone-

-this is the 150th published part

-might make a new journal at 200 published parts

-love my kitties! There's Belle(4 years old)and Lokkie(ran away a long time ago, 4 years old) and Lokkie had Gigi(3ish years old) and Gigi had Tazz(2 years old)who went to my dad's

-Belle had Lucy(1ish year old) and that's it for confusing family tree time

-Gonna get heterochromia eventually, plan on one light icy blue eye and one of my normal eye color a medium/slightly dark brown

-that's all I can think up! See y'all later!

Lex ouT

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