4: God of the Sky

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Gaia alone had conceived another son. The child grew up to be Ouranos( God of Sky). Ouranos had children with his mother, among them were the powerful Titans (12 gods and goddesses), the Hecatonchires (three gigantic brothers, each having fifty heads and hundred arms) and the Cyclops (three one eyed giants).

Ouranos hated all of his children and locked them up in the underworld as each of them was born. Gaia couldn't take this anymore and secretly asked her children to kill him. All of them were too afraid except the youngest Titan, Cronus (God of Harvest). Gaia gave him a sickle she had made herself.

Later when Ouranos was with Gaia, Cronus came from behind and struck his father with the sickle. 

From his blood came the Giants, the Nymphs( immortal human like creatures associated with water, fire and other elements) and Aphrodite (Goddess of Beauty). 

Cronus released the rest of the Titans from the underworld except the cyclopes and the Hecatonchires, because of their deformity.

Cronus was now the new ruler of the universe.

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