11: Legend of Perseus

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Birth of Perseus:

(A demigod is someone who is half god and half mortal.)

Acrisius was the king of Argos. Despite having a lot of wealth, he was still unhappy. He always wanted a son but never had one. Acrisius consulted an oracle who warned him that one day he would be killed by his  daughter's(Danae) son.

Acrisius became afraid and in order to keep Danae childless, he imprisoned her in a bronze chamber, open to the sky, in the courtyard of the palace.

One night, Zeus came to her chamber and impregnated her. When their son was born, his mother named him Perseus (half god / half man).

When Acrisius found out about the child, he wanted to kill Perseus but was afraid of Zeus. So he cast the two into the sea, in a wooden chest. Danae died but Perseus survived due to his immortal side. 

Soon he was rescued by a fisherman Dictys, who raised Perseus to manhood. Perseus left Dictys and decided to travel the world.

Wrath of Poseidon:

Ethiopia was ruled by king Cepheus and queen Cassiopeia. Cassiopeia used to claim that her daughter Andromeda was equal in beauty to the Nereids(Sea Nymphs) and even to the goddesses. 

These claims made Poseidon angry and he sent the Kraken(Giant serpent monster) to destroy them. The Kraken killed many people and destroyed half of their kingdom. Poseidon said that he would stop the destruction only if Andromeda was sacrificed to the Kraken.

The princess was heavily guarded at the palace as all the people tried to grab her. 

When Perseus arrived in Ethiopia, he found out what had happened and decided to help Andromeda. Perseus couldn't alone face the monster so he went to the Graeae for advice.

The Gorgon Medusa:

The three old Graeae were sisters of the three Gorgons and were daughters of the sea gods Phorcys and Ceto. Perseus visited them for advice on how to take down the Kraken. The Graeae had only one eye which they passed around to see. When Perseus didn't get a straight answer, he snatched the eye and threatened to throw it off the cliff until they told him the truth.

The Gordons had snakes for hair and if anyone looked into their eyes, they would turn to stone. The Graeae told him to use the head of the Gorgon Medusa as she had the most powerful stare.

Perseus went to the cave(where the gorgons used to stay) with his shield and sword. Luckily for him, only Medusa was there at that time. Medusa attacked him when he stepped inside. Perseus saw her reflection in his shield to doge her attacks and when the right time came, he swung his sword and cut her head off. Out of her head sprang Pegasus(Horse with wings).

Just then the other two gorgons arrived. They were about to attack when Perseus held Medusa's head in front of them and turned them to stone.

Perseus used Pegasus to fly to Ethiopia.

Saving Princess Andromeda:

Back in Ethiopia, the palace had been breached by people and they had taken Andromeda away. They tied her naked to a rock on the shore from where the Kraken used to came everyday.

The monster rose from the sea and slowly came towards her. Perseus came just in time and dived in front of her. He pulled out the head and rose it high. The Kraken slowly turned to stone and went deep into the ocean.

Perseus married Andromeda and went to Argos. After turning Acrisius to stone he became the king and spend his last days in Argos.

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