15: The Trojan War II

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Nine Years of War:

Spartans had a huge advantage with Achilles on their side. They slaughtered all the Trojan warriors who fought outside the walls and took out many of the archers. But still couldn't get inside Troy, because the heavy doors could only be opened from the inside.

The war lasted for more than nine years with heavy loses on both sides. 

One night the Trojans attacked the Spartans while they were sleeping in their camps. During this combat, Hector and Achilles came face to face, all the others stopped to watch them.

Hector was much more skilled in combat than Achilles but he still couldn't kill him due to his immortal body. It only took Achilles a few swings to bring Hector down. All the other Trojan retreated back into their walls.

The Trojan Horse:

Even with Hector dead, the Spartans were unable to invade Troy.

The end of the war came with one final plan. Odysseus had a plan which involved a giant hollow wooden horse, an animal that was sacred to the Trojans. It was built by a few Spartans who had experience in wood work. It was made from the wood which was sacred to Apollo, with the inscription:

The Greeks dedicate this thank-offering to Athena for their return home.

The hollow horse was filled with 100 soldiers led by Odysseus and Achilles. Most of the Spartan army sailed back and the rest of them(1'000) hid at the beaches.

When the Trojans discovered that the Greeks were gone, believing the war was over, they joyfully dragged the horse inside the city, while they debated what to do with it. Some thought they ought to hurl it down from the rocks, others thought they should burn it, while others said they ought to dedicate it to Athena.

When night came, all the Spartans climbed out of the horse quietly and opened the gates of Troy to lead the others inside.

The Spartans started killing the sleeping soldiers and soon the entire Troy was awake and screams filled the air. The Trojans, fueled with desperation, fought back fiercely, despite being disorganized and leaderless. 

The Spartans burned all their temples and killed every Trojan they could get their hands on. Menelaus came to the Trojan palace and killed king Priam. 

In all of this chaos, Paris saw a chance and grabbed a bow and a few poisoned arrows of a dead soldier to kill Achilles who was standing still and hadn't noticed him. 

Paris wasn't combat trained and his arrow hit Achilles' heel instead of his head. But to his surprise, Achilles fell down and died.

Paris took Helen and few people with him and escaped. 

The Greeks had finally conquered Troy.

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